I’m in full detox mode over here. Scarfing down my vegetables, drinking my vegan morning shakes, and feeling pretty good after my first week on the plan.
This week wasn’t as hard of an adjustment as I thought it’d be. Probably because my meals aren’t too different than what I normally make for myself. The only thing that’s different is that I’m not eating Cheez-its by the handful out of stress/hunger.
Fortunately for me, my shakes keep me pretty full for a few hours in the morning. And, with lunch, I’m topping my salads and soups off with Hemp Hearts for some lasting power.
They’re so itty-bitty but they’ve got magical powers.
The combination of protein and fiber has kept me full longer (and away from the Cheez-its that plague me).
I’ve talked about Hemp Hearts for years now on the blog and I’m still just as much of a fan as I was from the start – especially now as I’m looking for ways to avoid any possible hangry state that may arise. And they’re detox friendly. It’s a raw, WHOLE-food – made from ONE ingredient.
Did I mention they taste great too?
And, lucky for us all, the generous people at Manitoba Harvest offered up a bag of Hemp Hearts to one reader so you can try out the magical seeds yourself!
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment below telling me what you would sprinkle your Hemp Hearts on. You can check out the website for some delicious recipes!
**Winner must be from US or Canada. I will select a winner by Wednesday, 11/12/15 @ 7AM.
Jayden’s mom brought in huge boxes of Cheez-It’s for him to earn as a reward for good behavior and I drool every time I hand him a pack in class. It takes everything I have not to try to sneak some in myself as the afternoon wears on.
I’d use it in salads, yogurt, and more! It would be almost like granola 😊 I can’t wait to try!
I would sprinkle the Hemp Hearts on yogurt.