And, even more exciting is that it’s Pajama Day at work.
Fun Fact #1: I’m wearing my bear onesie to school today.
2) As I mentioned in my confessions post, I’ve been doing a lot of online shopping to find Christmas gifts. This is both convenient and the-most-dangerous-thing-ever. I have never really browsed around Etsy until recently and now I want to buy ALL THE THINGS. (Which I am. For myself. Ugh).
3) I still use Swarm. (What used to be FourSquare). I’m not as obsessed with checking in EVERYWHERE. But I also like checking in to places because it’ll remind me of the time I was there last. Or it’ll give me a suggestion of what’s popular there. Or, even a fun fact about coffee beans.
4) Moms are the best in the entire world. Yesterday was my Mama’s birthday. So we celebrated by eating some of the food she packed for me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!
5) Yesterday I went to an event at Stanford and awkwardly took a picture of their bathroom ceilings. Did you know that bathrooms can have those red/green lights to indicate whether a STALL is available? I was pretty impressed when they did this in parking lots. But now I’m even more excited about this transition to public bathrooms. No more walking in on ladies pulling up their pants.
6) After a year and a half of using the Flexy Friend, I’m trying something new. I ordered a planner from Paper Source because my friend and co-worker Kim highly recommended it. Frustrations with Flexy Friend (<—-alliteration!! MY FAV!) is that it requires us to print out something each and every week. And I’m not always around a printer when I have my “Meeting with my Self.” So, this will be a good way to have everything together so I’m not so scattered saving my to-do lists on 1) My flexy, 2) Post-its, 3) Notes app on my phone, 4) Drafts in an e-mail.
Now I gotta go get some caffeine in my system, and run around in my onesie screaming, “HAPPY FRIDAY!”
Happy Friday indeed.
eatteachblog says
Happy Friday Onsie Bear!! See Ya Soooon!!!