8) Sister loves her guidebook just as much as she did in Turkey. But since we were on guided tours for the first two days, she didn’t have much reason to use it. We’ll see what happens as our trip continues…
9) The toilets here have seat warmers and deodorizers. Get with the program, America.
Although earlier this week, while using a public bathroom, I couldn’t find the flush. And there were people waiting in line. And I didn’t want to be that girl that didn’t flush the toilet. So I desperately tried to push all the buttons that looked like they would work. Like a button that says “Flushing Sound.” Just in case you’re wondering, that just has a fake flushing sound that lasts 20 seconds. Luckily, I found the flush. But I also became that girl that doesn’t know how to use the toilet. Ugh.
Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
Questions of the Day:
- If you had to choose: Green Tea Kit Kat, Edamame Soybean Kit Kat, OR Wasabi Kit Kat, which would you try?
- What is one thing you’re looking forward to this weekend?
The seat warmers in Japan are AMAZING… well, everything is pretty much amazing there! Have you had a chance to try a Yoshinoya yet? We had so many meals there… 🙂
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