Happy Friday!
So looking forward to this weekend. I’ve been waking up at 4:30 every day this week to go to the gym before work so it’s felt extra long because I’m not getting as much sleep as I’m used to.
But that’s OK! Because I will not be waking up at 4:30 tomorrow. Best. Feeling. In. The. World.
Before I sign off for the weekend, here are some fun facts from the week!
1) I lost 2.4 pounds this week! I am absolutely loving Weight Watchers this time around. I can have pizza. I can have wine. I can have all the things that other detoxes or ‘diets’ eliminate from their plan. I just have to be aware and track everything to make sure I’m not making these unhealthy decisions all day, every day.
2) My morning routine this week has been:
- Alarm goes off
- Cry and complain that it’s still dark outside
- Push button on Keurig
- Brush my teeth
- Drink my coffee
- Change my clothes in between sips
- Get back in bed
- Get out of bed
- Workout at gym
- Order ahead at Starbucks.
- Dance while drinking my coffee on the way home. Two cups of caffeine – all before 6:30AM. BAM.
3) Apparently you can ‘order ahead’ a banana from the Starbucks app. You know…if you’re OK with the barista picking out the banana you get without your approval.
4) I’ve been eating more fruit lately. Because fruits are 0 points on this plan. (Bananas included!) So I bought myself this pineapple corer/slicer. I’m excited to use it. The box it came in has SO many spelling errors; I want to save it forever because it makes me giggle. Let’s just hope that the people behind the pineapple slicer are better engineers than they are spellers. Can you spot the errors?
5) Katie bought these cute wine glasses for us as an engagement present! They’re made with silicon so I can’t break them! No matter how much of the bottle has been consumed.
6) We drove up to San Bruno to eat dinner with Hema and V. We got Mediterranean food and ate in Hemie’s cute apartment. I love seeing them during the week. Makes the work week way more fun.
7) Great find at Trader Joes for my fellow-WW’ers. 12 wontons for 4 points. Add them to your cauliflower rice dish! De-licious.
8) This kid is coming to help out again today. Makes the day so much better with him around. He spends most of his time with our PE coach out on the blacktop. But there’s something about his presence at our school that makes me feel so happy.
Now I’m off to go kick my butt before work.
Happy Friday to all!
Questions of the Day:
- What time of the day do you go to the gym?
- What’s your favorite fruit?
- What are you doing this weekend?
Congrats on the loss this week – that’s awesome!!
Hope you had a fun weekend. Happy Monday. Happy morning healthclubbing.
Wishing you lots of success this week. Hugs.