Thank you all for such wonderful comments on yesterday’s post. Sometimes I just need a kick in the pants to remind me that I am, actually, good enough.
Today was definitely a much better day at work. I don’t know whether it was because my mindset shifted or because it was the second day of school, but whatever it was resulted in a ton of wonderful things happening throughout the day.
I felt like, ALL DAY, I knew exactly where I needed to be and what I needed to be doing. We sat down and developed a tentative service schedule for both myself and Bruni (the paraprofessional).
We found a way to ensure that all services are being met each week while still having a day set aside for meetings, collaboration time, and PAPERWORK. That is an amazing advantage and I am so lucky to be able to have that flexibility. Although I’m probably going to find myself in the classrooms anyway because that just happens to be way more fun than typing up reports.
The scheduling took a couple hours, it was absolutely worth it. I feel relieved to know that there’s a skeleton in place and we can start implementing it as soon as tomorrow.
Other highlights of today:
- Communicating with a Kinder student in my broken Spanglish. She did not speak a single word of English but somehow we made it work and she worked on her numbers and colors (in English) while I worked on parts of the body (in Spanish). I definitely prefer 5-year old instructors over Rosetta Stone.
- …AND THEN COMMUNICATING WITH A PARENT IN SPANISH. So the girl doubting herself yesterday can go suck it.
- Getting this fun surprise in the mail today from Sister.
But the best part was the note she included with it.
It’s like she can predict when I’m going to have a stressful day and plans accordingly. Love you Sister.
- Waking up to a Starbucks e-card in my inbox. Even though it’s Tarun Bhaiya’s birthday tomorrow, he bought his sisters a little present for Raksha Bandhan. And he knows I can’t turn down Starbucks. LOVE.
- Getting to go to bed before 10PM tonight. Early morning workout tomorrow. It’s a must. It’s been a few days. Eek. Stop yelling at me.
Good night and sweet dreams!
So glad that everything is brighter in your world today. Funny how life balances itself out, isn’t it?
Debbie @ Live from La Quinta recently posted…Vegan Eats at #IDEAWorld, RRCA Coaching Class, and Grandson Time
This is ridiculously cute. I just had my “awww” and “happy sigh” face on. ADORABLE.
Charissa recently posted…Life Giving Nutrients for our Body AND Soul
Omg you have such a sweet sister! That made me miss mine, just that much more 🙁 I did however have a nice long convo with mine earlier today!
Have a WONDERFUL early AM work out!
GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted…Do You Need A Rocket Scientist To Lose Weight?
What a lovely note from your sister. I love receiving little hand-written notes or personal gifts. And those sticky notes are great!
Mary recently posted…And…on to the cross-trainer!
really funny post it notes!! glad yesterday was better! and scheduling is always a nightmare!!!
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted…Mix My Own Granola / Muesli
SO SO SO GLAD to see everything turned around.
MIZ recently posted…WIll drawing comfort food make us happy?
Happy for you 🙂
Love that card too!
Kierston @candyfit recently posted…The Flavours of Life…
You & your sister really make me want a sister! I am so glad that yesterday was better than the day before.
Maureen recently posted…Simple Tip – Onions
LOVE the post it notes! Glad you had a much better day!!!
Mindy @ Road Runner Girl recently posted…I RUN4 Molly!
I love the use of post – its when scheduling!! what a good idea!
Excellent! This post makes me happy!
And now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make good art.
Your teaching and writing are good art. Don’t ever stop.
From Neil Gaimon’s amazing Keynote address http://www.upworthy.com/6-ways-to-make-sure-you-dont-hate-your-life-and-actually-enjoy-it-and-stuff-5?c=ufb1