Good morning and HAPPY SUMMER!
I told the tele-therapy company I work for that I could be available this summer to help school districts out with evals. But no assignments really came up. Which is fine by me because I’m happy to be 100% mom these next few weeks.
It’s like last summer all over again. Ishu and mama exploring the city of Chicago. But it’s almost even BETTER? Because I know what to expect, I know the fun places to go, I know where to look for all the upcoming fun festivals!
I’m pretty excited about it.
Before the two of us get dressed and head out for the day, I thought I’d share some snaps from our real Fathers Day weekend (last week was just a trial run, ha).
On Friday, after I submitted my last report and closed my inbox (for the last time?!), Ishu and I went to the Children’s Museum. They’ve changed one of their exhibits to a Boating room! I’m eager for them to open up their Water exhibit, but seems like that one’s taking a littler longer than expected.
We also ran into YOLA!!! She stopped working there last August, but is back back back for the summer. And Ishu and I are both so happy. I told her we continue to call the Pritzker Playspace, “Yola’s room,” even though she’s no longer there.
Anyway, if you think I asked her for her summer schedule so I can show up when she’s there, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT I DID.
After the museum, we went to pick up our new dining table we got from FB Marketplace. IT’S SO GOOD. It’s a bit smaller and it’s glass so it makes the room feel more open. I love it.
Then, Ishu passed out pretty quickly (thank GOD FOR MUSEUM TIRED). And Ankur and I watched another episode of Moon Knight.
The three of us went to the zoo!
Ishu’s favorite thing was the exhibit with the cockroaches behind the glass wall. Gross, I know. But it’s now my new favorite word that he says. “KAKA-OACHES.”
The weather was so good so we decided to embrace the shitty 30-minute stroller nap, instead of going home to nap.
And, while he napped, we walked over to get some frozen yogurt. Local ingredients. Farm-to-cone!
As if on cue, his eyes popped open right as we got our treats.
And he crawled outta the stroller and attempted to pick out each individual sprinkle from my froyo. Little monkey.
We came home, dunked him in the bath, and thought he’d fall asleep pretty darn quickly. But, summer Ishu thinks his new bedtime is 9:30pm.
Once he DID fall asleep, Ankur and I watched the movie, Hustle. Which I thought was pretty great. It was fun to see Adam Sandler in a different type of role. And now I have a new favorite NBA player.
On Sunday, we christened the new dining table with Fathers Day breakfast sandwiches!
And then hurried outta the house to take advantage of the perfect morning weather. We did a quick detour to pick up some coffee for me and then went to the park.
In the afternoon, we went back to the museum and then ended the day at the splash pad right outside the museum.
Ishu is a little more timid about the fountains this year. Maybe because it’s not quite SO hot outside yet. Or maybe because he’s a little more sensory sensitive than he was last year. Who knows?
But, when Ankur got in there with him, he was more into it. Maybe he just needs a partner.
And that’s it!
Now we’ve got a day of parks and splash pads ahead of us. So I’m going to sign off and physically and mentally (coffee) prepare myself.
Happy happy Monday!
Seems like you had fun family time on Fathers Day weekend.
Have a great week ahead.