This morning, on my way home from the gym, I had to turn my high beams on and drive extra slowly. The sun wasn’t up yet and there was quite a bit of rain coming down. I wanted to be extra cautious because I’ve seen deer and rabbits crossing the roads during these early hours of the morning.
Upon parking the car, I turned on the flashlight app on my phone so I could safely make it up the stairs to our apartment. But, before I put the key in the lock, I paused to take it all in.
I could hear the bugs buzzing and hissing. The quiet sound of rain falling. The birds chirping.
And nothing else.
Just the peaceful, meditative sounds of morning time.
I knew the minute I opened up my front door, I’d fall back into routine. Make breakfast, get ready for work, do the dishes, etc.
So I just pressed pause and took it all in for a brief moment. Before the moment was whisked away by our day-to-day activities.
Back when I lived in California, I craved these moments of solitude. I would plan weekends away so that I could hide out in a cabin in the woods. I would spend my weekends under the redwood trees, away from the traffic, away from the stress.
And, every time Sunday would come, I’d wish more than anything that I could keep this feeling alive. That, somehow, in some way, I could preserve the peace within me. Something that would only be brought to life when I was out in nature. Out under the trees. Away from it all.
So, this morning, I needed to stop myself before I entered my house.
And just thank the universe that it placed me in Ankur’s life so we could move here. To rural Tennessee.
Because, though I poke fun at this small town we live in, it is exactly what I craved.
In those moments of high stress and anxiety, I wanted nothing more than to escape from it all. And live in the woods, under the trees, away from the traffic and the people and the responsibilities.
And, though part of me misses the urgency of each and every day, I have to admit that this is once what I wanted. This is once what I prayed for.
An escape.
To find the peace within.
And now my escape has become my reality.
So, this morning, before I crossed the threshold into my apartment, I needed to pause and give thanks. For this beautiful escape I get to call home.
Questions of the Day:
- Do you thrive in the hustle-bustle of a city or do you crave peace and quiet in the countryside?
That’s awesome that you were able to recognize it and enjoy the moment. Hope you have a great weekend.
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups recently posted…Friday Favorites
I know the feeling! This is why I love to hike and camp and travel in parks rather than go to the mall. I am lucky to be living in Switzerland with beautiful mountains, lakes, rivers and waterfalls.
Familyearthtrek recently posted…Les chutes de la Broye, a hidden treasure in Switzerland
I love that you were able to enjoy the moment! I know the feeling. When I went on a walk on this amazing trail, I felt so peaceful and free. I hope you have a great weekend.
Emily recently posted…10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week
Love small towns, cabins, hiking in the woods. Yes I’m a good ole country girl born and raised in WV.. The WV mountains are so beautiful and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!
Being in nature is amazing and stopping to appreciate it is extra special. Glad you could pause and just live in the moment.
I have to say I like being a city girl, there is always something to do, explore and see. But it also gets very busy and distracts us from being in the now. I totally understand what you’ve described at the start of your blog post. I have those moments when I go to my yoga class and walk through the parking lot, smell the air, listen to the sounds of birds, the world is waking up. It’s those moments that make life so beautiful.
This is so lovely! I love that you found an appreciation for where you live and it sounds so peaceful!
Beth recently posted…What’s Up Weekend 9.1.17
I’m in the hustle and bustle of the city and every day I crave the quiet of the country. One day I think I will be able to have it. When I used to live in Tennessee, I definitely had it a lot of the time! (ps. these pictures are beautiful!)
Corey | The Nostalgia Diaries recently posted…My 1990’s Soundtrack | Denis Storey
l love early mornings for this reason! There’s something calming and peaceful about them before the hecticness begins
Shelby @Fitasamamabear recently posted…Gluten Free Blueberry Maple Tarts
Love this!! I think a lot of people crave a simple existence and time away from the business. I like where I live because it’s a bit of the best of both worlds.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Glossies Made Me Do It: Make Money On Your Phone
That sounds so beautiful and peaceful. I crave getting away like that too.
What a beautiful moment to capture! I love hustle and bustle, but I, also, crave the quiet.
Akaleistar recently posted…Blueberry Yogurt Cake (Glossies Made Me Do It!)
I grew up in Colorado and have always loved escaping to the mountains. Getting away and camping will always be my favorite thing. I now live in the DC metro area and crave the solitude. Someday I’ll make it back.
I always love and appreciate your thoughts about mindfulness. East Tennessee is truly a beatuiful and spectacular place. As much as I love being near creature comforts, I also need solitude.
Sheryl recently posted…End of Summer – Friday Favorites
This is lovely! I live in a city, but I find myself craving peace and quiet more and more.
I love the peace of the country life! I wake up early in the mornings just so I can have this time.
Bethany recently posted…Friday Faves from America!
I love the hustle and bustle of the city, even though I’m a country girl at heart. Can’t I have both at the same time? lol.
Kristen Raney recently posted…Raspberry Bran Muffins
Love your site, I need to write more! But wait, do you live in an apartment or a house? You mentioned both. I want to live in the countryside but we aren’t there financially yet.
This is beautiful!! Our souls call out for such moments, and it’s really important for us to acknowledge them!!
In a world where we check our phone 100 times day, we we have a 24 hour on-line presence, where we are so focused on achieving what we think is our life’s dream – we don’t take the time to actually breathe. I love that you did that and I love that you managed to build a life in an environment that makes you happy. Beautifully written <3
I love the rural quietness, it’s so peaceful. In the city the only thing that gives me peace is my early mornig jog, taken just as the sun is coming up and there is no traffic yet; apart from that they day is less peaceful.
Such a peaceful surrounding to live. Yes, it is indeed meditative. Your photo got me, it is really lovely. Such a very nice place. I guess everybody can leave. Thanks for sharing this post!