Our sweetest little pumpkin.
And in true second baby fashion, we haven’t had a moment to process it.
So I’m going to sit here and try to recall as many fun things you’ve done over the past month until you yell at me and tell me if it’s time for your nap.
You’re currently scooting around in your diaper. You love being naked THE MOST. Just like your brother. Clothes are for ninnies.
You are so close to crawling. And you are PISSED that you can’t do it yet. Every time something is out of reach, you scream like a banshee and you let everyone around you know that you are NOT PLEASED that you haven’t figured out how to alternate your legs to get the crawl down.
You’ve got the arms figured out. The thick thighs have yet to follow. But they continue to go backwards on occasion. You continue to get stuck under the couch or the table. But you’ve embraced these places, knowing that at some point, someone is going to come save you.
You are more vocal than ever! Your favorite thing to say is “da!” I am trying my very darndest to get the “mama” sound outta you.
I ask you, “Can you say ‘mama?'”
And you stare at me, smile really big and respond with, “Da!”
I really think you think you’re saying it. (You’re not). But it’s fun to watch you think you’ve mastered something.
You’re taking your first mommy-and-me class: Sensory Art. And boy oh boy, do you love it. You could sit there all day, rolling your body around the slime-like textures. The bath at the end is your favorite. You love splashing in water.
We’ve lost track of what food we’ve given you. You love all things dairy. We celebrated Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s yesterday and you have a fondness for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. (It’s laughable to think about how different your solids experience has been compared to your brother’s).
You love having your stroller seat facing out, so you can see the WORLD. But we also think it’s cause you love seeing your Ishu Bhaiya run or scoot in front of you.
He is still – and probably will always be – your absolute favorite person. You squeal in excitement any time he comes near and it’s the most heart-melting thing to watch the two of you interact.
There are probably so many more things that have happened this past month. But I’ll leave it at that because it’s time for your nap and you’ve got zero patience for mama documenting the things when she’s gotta put you to sleep.
We love you so much little boy. SO SO MUCH. Your bright eyes and happy smile and chunky thighs bring us so much joy every day.
Eight months of loving you. Forever to go.
Happy 8 months dear sweet cutie pie Riyu!! We love you from the bottom of our hearts. Xoxoxoxo