I’m up (and SHOWERED) before my children are awake.
I really love going to bed when they go to bed. So even though I’m interrupted multiple times throughout the night, I’m still getting enough sleep (I think).
I’m listening to an audiobook right now and, as the book starts out, the main character is describing her life. And starts talking about her 4-month old who “doesn’t sleep.” And then she corrects herself and says, “Well, she does sleep. She takes about a million naps all night long.” Which describes my babies. Ha. The only reason I’m not spiraling about it now – the way I did with Ishu – is because Ishu sleeps all night now. So I know this baby will get there too. He’s already gotten a lot better than he was at, say, 5 months old.
Anyway, yes, I’m showered already. Because I’ve got lots on the agenda today. Including a visit to the post office to get some passport pics taken.
I tried to be real nonchalant about sending in my old passport pic for my renewal. And they sent a letter back telling me there is a hold on processing. “We are requesting a new photo as this photo has not been taken in the last 6 months.” They may as well have told me, “We know you’re fatter, older, grayer, and more tired looking. Send us a photo that ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE YOU.” At least that’s how I interpreted it. So, gotta take care of that today.
And then some bloodwork and returns and probably wanna donate some things. And, I just want to know what the big deal is about being a grown-up. Is it that you can eat ice cream for breakfast? Because I’d give up that luxury to go back to not doing all these adulting tasks. Where my only to-do was to complete my homework assignments for the week.
Anyway, in the time it took to type that, the children have woken up.
So now I must go.
But, before I do, I wanted to do a photo dump of the past couple days.
AMC Theaters is doing a “Summer Camp” where they show $3 movies on Mondays and Wednesdays and this week was Sing2. So Ishu and I had a little date.
Ishu also had another dentist appointment. He’s becoming a real pro at this. Who would have thunk?
We’ve also been enjoying his tennis lessons. We’ve upped it to twice a week because he likes it so dang much.
We’ve been spending some time at the park. Here’s a pic of the kiddos all trying to catch a glimpse of the babiest bunny.
And then, last night, Ankur took Ishu to go see Danny Go at The Rivera Theatre! I wish I could have seen his eyes light up as he marched like a millipede and stomped like a garbageman.
But Ankur did a good job of taking videos and pictures so I could get a sense of the excitement.
So cool that he got to do this. And based on the number of people in attendance in Chicago alone, you know this guy has made an impact on so many kids and their families. It’s so cool.
Okay, I’m off for real. Ishu got one of those Styrofoam light sticks when he went to the show yesterday. And Riyu is really interested in using it as a teether. Which is causing some problems.
Mom Duty calls.
Loved reading this today…..especially since I’ve been feeling like we haven’t seen you all for a while. Both the kiddos are growing up so fast and learning new skills. So proud of you and Ankur…’re awesome! Love you xoxoxo ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Please share some videos of Danny Go.
Want to see the excitement in Ishus eyes.