Hi friends 🙂
I’m taking a quick little break from classroom set-up to post a few pictures from the last couple of days. The three weeks of professional development have finally come to an end and we are anxiously waiting to see our cute kiddos bright and early on Monday morning!
A few of them came by today as we “cut the ribbon” to welcome the families to our new and improved school.
I’ve been helping out the other teachers as much as possible since they didn’t get much time to prep their classrooms. Since I’ll be pushing into the classrooms as much as possible, our office set-up is not the priority.
Although we did get this fancy calendar decal that I’m loving.
In the past 48 hours, I’ve somehow managed to get ridiculously sick and am hoping that it will disappear by Monday morning.
I’m trying to wash it away by drinking gallons of water.
I’ve also managed to get my new roomie down to Aqui to have a swirl.
She definitely enjoyed it like I expected she would!
I’m heading out for my very first home visit of the school year! Can’t wait to meet one of the kids I will be working with! 🙂
Have a fabulous weekend!
Have a great school opening! I know the kids and families will love you.
Love and miss you all though <3
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