We all know that I’m a Yoga Girl podcast fan.
She has new episodes released each Friday, but I find myself going back to her old episodes from time to time.
The ones that really resonate with me.
One episode in particular that I enjoy re-listening to is her “body shaming” episode.
She talks about her favorite shirt. A simple tank top that is comfortable to wear. Something that she throws on to make her feel good. In Aruba.
But, somehow, when that same shirt travels with her to Sweden, it is no longer comfortable. It feels tight. And clings to all the wrong places. It doesn’t bring out the confidence that it does when she wears it in Aruba.
How is it that the same exact shirt worn by the same exact person over the course of one week could bring out such different emotions? How is it that a simple shirt could somehow shut her confidence down when she’s wearing it in Sweden?
It is so much about the environment we are in.
Her mind does a complete flip when she lands in Sweden. More fashionable people. Moms that are “skinnier” than her. The same exact body that she housed in Aruba somehow feels so large and dominating when that body is in Sweden.
And I resonate with this so much.
Because when I’m here, in Harrogate, living my day-to-day life, I feel great. I feel confident and when I look in the mirror, I feel happy. And strong. I don’t feel like I’m constantly pulling my shirt down to cover a little extra belly flab. (Even though it may still be there). I don’t feel like my brain is being fogged with negative thoughts about my appearance. Because, honestly, I feel healthy and happy.
But I’m not going to be hiding out in Harrogate for the rest of my life.
In a week, we’ll be flying to Cancun for Hema’s wedding.
In a month, we’ll be flying back to California for winter break.
And, come June, we’ll be out of this place and moving somewhere else.
This body will be coming with me to all of those places.
The same body that is right here. Sitting in front of this computer. Typing this blog post.
The same exact body.
But I feel like my perception of my body will be so different depending on the people I’m around or the environment I’m in.
It’s easy to tell yourself you’re being crazy and not to overthink such trivial things.
But it’s difficult if you have had challenges with self-image in the past.
Somehow, those old, shitty thoughts creep back up into your mind and take over your confidence. And gnaw at the growth you may have made between the past and the present.
One of the things that Rachel recommends is to get IN to your body. In order to get out of your mind, dive deep within your body. And whatever action it is that makes you and your body feel strong and confident now is the thing that you should rely on when you’re feeling self-doubt.
For me, push-ups make me feel freaking a-mazing. Mainly because I could never do the real ones before and now I can hammer them out like a champion.
So, on days when I feel the negativity come back, I just get down on the floor and do a quick 15-20 push-ups to remind me just how far I’ve come.
Maybe this all sounds silly.
Or, maybe this sounds like it really isn’t a revelation. Like, duh. When you feel bad, do something that makes you feel good.
I just feel like it was helpful for me. To hear that I’m not alone in this feeling. And to have a tangible strategy to use when those thoughts make their way back into my mind.
Because I love this body of mine so much.
And I want to continue loving it. Wherever it goes.
Questions of the Day:
- Do you feel that certain environments make you more timid or uncomfortable?
- What strategies do you use to help you get out of your mind and back INTO your body?
I love this. A different perspective on what we all feel. Our environment has lots to do with how we feel, you are right. Well written.
there is power in deeply knowing yourself and appreciating yourself that no outside source can shake. thanks for sharing
We all struggle with this on some level I think. And it’s about being happy with the amazing person we are. Not worrying about who we think we should be.
I love this so much, Divya, as well as the strategy you use to combat negative thinking. I’ve had moments like this too when the same outfit worn on different days elicits totally different responses. Self love is something I’m always working on too, and you’re absolutely right…we have one body to love and treat like our temple, so it’s best we take good care of it.
Thank you for this reminder—must listen to this podcast <3
Charlotte recently posted…Bom Bom–the only drink to serve at your holiday parties this year
I definitely can relate! When I am around certain groups it seems like my belly gets bigger. Lol
I do need to try doing some push ups or squats next time those thoughts creep in.
Great advice because we do take ourselves wherever we go!
Self love is definitely tough sometimes, but I think you’ve got the right attitude here. Your body will be with you wherever you go. I’ll have to check out this podcast, it sounds interesting!
Beth recently posted…Currently in November
I’m working on this! I’ve been fighting obesity (and winning only temporarily) for 40 years. I wonder these days as I continue my pursuit of health if liking or “being in” our bodies is the first essential step we all need. Or I need. 🙂
Such a lovely post, Divya! It’s so easy to get out of our body and into our mind and dwell on a negative self-image. I love the idea of getting into your body and celebrating the things that make us feel strong!
My pretty, gorgeous, beautiful Divi baby both inside and outside!!! I admire, love and adore you to no end. That’s only because I feel the same about myself. We are more than others perception it in fact is more a reflection of ourself. Love yourself is the only way you can love others!! God Bless you, be blissful and keep blogging!!!!
I have never thought about this before, but wow, what a revelation! As I was reading I found myself saying, yep, yes, and oh my goodness, that makes total sense! I LOVE your trick of doing push-ups when you’re not feeling you’re most confident. What a great idea. My activity would probably be a plank! Thanks for another awesome post.
Laura @ The Mindful Mom Blographer recently posted…What the Heck Does Hygge Mean, Anyway? + 13 Ways to Bring Hygge Into Your Life
I really liked your post, it seems to me when I get super busy there is a disconnect between my mind and my body. I know I should be doing better and yet especially this time of the year, when it gets crazy busy I just focus on getting the job done and then I just fall down in my bed at night. Wrong in so many ways. I am trying to improve a bit this year though. Articles like yours reinforce my resolve, thanks!!
This is a great reminder. I have been stressing about wearing a swimsuit on our upcoming vacation but instead, I am going to continue my treadmill, exercise and yoga routines and be happy that I am feeling healthy and it makes me feel great!
That is a great point! I definitely feel more or less confident in different environments. Thanks for sharing!
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups recently posted…Jerk shrimp lettuce wraps with plantains
I definitely can relate to this — feeling uncomfortable in my skin when I’m not in a place that feels like mine. I’m working on loving my body even in my place, so I’m a work in progress. Awesome post as always 🙂
Corey | The Nostalgia Diaries recently posted…Week 43: A Dog Named Dexter | Everyday Nostalgia
I definitely struggle with this kind of thing and I love the message you’re sharing. Thanks for the podcast recommendation! I’ll check it out this weekend. I’ve been kind of bored with my regular podcasts lately.
Ashley | Honey & Pine recently posted…Preparing For #MakingStridesMyrtleBeach
So true! Our environment can change the way we feel about our bodies.
Akaleistar recently posted…Fall Sweet Progress Box Swap Reveal
I think we are all guilty of doing this, looking at ourselves and saying stuff we would never say to anyone else. But in reality, having a positive mind and trying to change those bad thoughts to good ones is the best thing we could ever do for our health. Thank you so much for sharing, amazing post! 😀
Yes – seriously. I feel more comfortable in certain situations and around certain people, at least most of the time. That’s great that you can do actual push ups. I’m sure that would make one feel good. I am not good at those. LOL
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…November 2017 Currently: Fall Movies + More!
I love this! I’ve often found that my environment plays a big part in how I feel and my self-image, in general. This was so interesting!
I LOVE this! I’m a mum, so it has changed my body in so, so many ways. Some good, some bad, some annoying. I’ve found that the environment/people create a huge difference in my confidence and perception of myself. I’m pretty lucky in which I tend to not give a f about what people think, but it does get to me occasionally.
Kendel recently posted…I F*cked Your Boyfriend
This is really interesting advice. I really love how you say that pushups make you feel amazing (go, girl!), so you do them when you’re feeling down. That’s a great idea!
Patricia @ Grab a Plate recently posted…Mushroom Stroganoff
What a perfect blog, so well written straight from your heart and mind.
You are an amazing writer.
How do you come up with such brilliant ideas to share with your followers.
You motivate us, so we all know we are not alone in these battles of life, eating, exercising, looking good or even in our careers.
Thanks pretty Divya for sharing your thoughts with all.
I love this post! It really made me think differently about body image 🙂 Thanks for sharing
Aishah x
Girl, I LOVED this post! My body definitely feels different to me when I’m in my comfort zone, versus if I travel to somewhere like LA or NYC. I feel the same way about my style. I feel like I’m a stylish person and friendly and relate able, but then I go to a blogger conference and I tell myself “oh, you’re not as stylish as they are, you’re not as good of a blogger as they are…” I think it’s all about knowing your self worth as a human and having confidence in who you are as a person. And being content too 🙂 Such a good post, I’m gonna have to check out Yoga Girl now! xo, Brittany | http://www.theblistblog.com
Brittany recently posted…Top 5 Instagram Worthy Cafe’s in Portland, OR
Nicely put Divya! It is hard to stay present and appreciate your body wherever you are. There are just people or places that make you feel incomplete or not enough. I can say that as I get older I find that I am more comfortable in my body and simply a it more accepting.
I think my favorite line was your doing 25 push ups when you feel old thought processes coming on, super cool and impressive! 🙂
Bobbi recently posted…What’s the Best Business Laptop Under 1000? Find Out Now
Yes! I think one of the best shifts I’ve made it to stop caring so much. If I decide to eat a salad it’s not to lose weight it’s because I need some green veggies and don’t want to get heartburn later lol Maybe I’ve watched too much grey’s anatomy but one of my favorite things to do when I don’t feel great is to have a dance party by myself.
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