We have to close the top latch of the front door now because Ishu’s tall enough to open up the door.
He’s also tall enough to reach the bottom button on the elevator (which is right outside our front door). So I have these crazy fears about him escaping the apartment and taking the elevator down and walking out of the building.
So, yes, the latch is always closed.
The other day, once Ankur had gotten home from work, I wanted to run down and grab some packages from the mail room. I tried to be sneaky about it but Ishu heard the latch being open. So he ran toward the door, trying to squeeze his little body through.
I gave up on the attempt to leave the apartment alone and decided we’d go on an adventure together.
I stepped back so he could walk out. And he – of course – ran straight toward the elevator button.
“Buh-in,” he squealed.
“Yup, button. The elevator button,” I responded.
We got in, went down to the 2nd floor, and walked toward the lockers.
I started to punch in the numbers to open up the locker with our package in it. And thank GOD Ankur had the foresight to follow us downstairs because while I was trying to rummage through all the packages in the big locker (I HATE when they put our packages in the shared locker. You really have to DIG), Ishu started to run back toward the elevator.
Thankfully, Ankur showed up and could keep eyes on him while I pulled out the packages.
What an adventure checking our mail has become.
The three of us then walked back toward the elevators (Ishu couldn’t push the button this time around because he’s tall but not tall enough to reach the ‘up’ button).
He was busy anyway. Carrying one of our packages for us.
While we were on our way up, Ankur asked Ishu, “Can you count how many packages we have?” Ankur pointed to the package Ishu was holding. “One…” he started.
Ishu turned toward Ankur and pointed to the package in Ankur’s arms and said, “Two.”
He then pointed to the package in my hand and said, “Thee!”
Ankur and I looked up at each other with wide eyes, in complete amazement that our kid could count the number of packages we had.
And then right as our eyes met, Ishu pointed to the package in front of him (that we had already counted) and screamed, “FO!”
The elevator doors opened and we laughed.
“Almost, Ishu. You almost got it,” we said.
He’s been so into the ABCs and 123s lately, you’d think I’m some sort of flashcard mom that’s trying to get him to learn all the things.
But I’m not.
He genuinely likes pointing to all the objects, pretending to count.
Most of the time he’s pointing at each object saying, “8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9.” Which is probably why Ankur and I were so impressed when we thought he correctly counted the packages.
Either way, it’s so fun to watch him be so obsessed with numbers and letters. The ABCs and 123 songs have temporarily replaced Baby Shark and I AM ALL ABOUT IT.
Babies are such sponges at this age. Anything you say or do around them they just soak it.
You and Ankur are such great parents and doing an amazing job.
Keep up the ABC and 123 videos on along with the Baby Shark and Itsy Bitsy Spider.