First of all, I want to say thank you to those of you who reached out or commented on yesterday’s post. I was blown away by the number of people who, in some form or another, felt the same way.
So thank you, thank you, thank you for your messages and comments and e-mails. I’ve read them all and appreciate every one of them!
Today is my Friday! My parents are flying into town tonight and I am going to take Thursday and Friday off to show them around Harrogate. I’m so excited for them to come and see it for themselves. And I’m equally excited to show off how unbelievably green it is here. California is in a severe drought so I’m sure they don’t even remember what green looks like!
Anyway, before I sign off for the day and close my laptop, I figured another round of confessions was in order.
Confession #1:
I went on a hike with Katy after work yesterday. And then we followed up with a Step Aerobics class. Which meant that, by the time I got home, I was exhausted. Ankur had gone to Morristown with some of his lab folks to get sushi for dinner to celebrate Exam #2 being done. Which meant that I was going to have wine for dinner. But, even the thought of getting up to open up a bottle seemed ridiculously challenging. By the time Ankur got home, he found me sitting in front of the open fridge. Thank God for husbands who bring food home for their immobile wives. And also for husbands who don’t judge their wives for sitting in front of the fridge eating take-out on the floor.
Confession #2:
Although this is harder to follow in Harrogate (because you will undoubtedly run into someone you know at the grocery store), I generally stick to these guidelines. If nobody has seen me wear an outfit that I really like, I will likely wear it again the next day. (Especially if it’s my polka dot dress with pockets).
Confession #3:
Everyone complains of the humidity messing with their hair. Making it frizzy and unmanageable. As someone who doesn’t have much hair, I appreciate the humidity. It makes it look like I’ve got volume that I don’t actually have. Bring on the heat waves and stickiness feeling. (But also, just don’t. Because I’m tired of being hot all the time).
Questions of the Day:
- What did you have for dinner last night?
- How likely are you to wear the same outfit two days in a row
- ‘FESS UP! Tell me a secret.
I swear people would be shocked at the amount and variety of apparel I own 🙂 I am the very queen of wash wear wash and wear and wash and WEAR 🙂
dinner… hmmm that’s a confession in itself. First I had two pieces of toast with peanut butter. then… I had two more pieces of toast with peanut butter, a half a banana and coconut flakes. to be fair I then went running for 1 hour (my stomach did not appreciate) and when I came home I blended up the yoghurt and fruit I hadn’t eaten yet (and added chocolate milk) and had a smoothie. I don’t normally eat a traditional dinner on training nights (especially if my husband is training as well… there’s no point).
I live in Europe; it’s totally normal to wear the same clothes… I switch my tops but sometimes… I do wear the same thing Friday that I did Tuesday.
If I confess anything else I’ll be taking over your blog! ha!
I almost always wear the same outfit to church on Sunday and then to work on Monday. And before I was married, I kept a tub of powdered Slimfast (or whatever it was called) and would have it for meals on days I was lazy and couldn’t handle more than mixing powder and water with a spoon.
Last night we had hospital food for dinner 😂😂 I got a meat-loaf with mashed potatoes and a small chicken soup on the side 🤗🤗 . It was so good actually I was shocked haha😊
As for Arely she got some 💣🍑 chicken Alfredo and it came w/a soup as well. Lol Kaiser Hospital food is definitely 4 thumbs up lol
As for my outfits I really wouldn’t have to change if I didnt want too because no one would ever notice anyways. I’m a very proud owner of multiple black and grey T-shirts lol.
Hmm lets see…….
Oh I know people in hospitals are not embarrassed to pass gas what so ever. My roommate is either Shitty McGee or Gassy Mcfee there is no In between with her😂😂 lmbo
Oh yea btw it would be pretty cool if we could go visit y’all too. I’ve never been to Harrogate
Good for your husband!!! You must have been pretty tired! 🙂 Hope you have rested up.