Good morning! We’re up and awake earlier than usual this morning because we went to bed before 9PM like real winners. I’m going to attempt to fit in a workout before work again. (I did this yesterday but it probably isn’t considered a workout if you’re struggling to move the whole time. But – hey- it’s better than nothing, right?).
Anyway, before I jump off the computer and jump on the treadmill, I thought I’d pop in here for my weekly confessions. As always, ‘fess up in the comments or leave your own Confessions link in the link-up below. It’s always nice to know what goes on behind the scenes!
Confession #1:
I forgot to get my eyebrows done in Knoxville when we went this past weekend. And, since there’s no threading place around here, I’m just going to be looking like a hairy monster over here.
Confession #2:
My favorite sweatshirt – which I’ve had since high school – is missing a part of the zipper. So I use dental floss to move my zip up and down. (Barely use dental floss on my teeth but my sweatshirt gets some floss action every day).
Confession #3:
I can’t see the surface of my dresser. Remember my post about putting everything on the coffee table when I got home from work? Well, I’m getting better at that. But I realized I’m just moving everything over to my dresser. HA! Oops.
Confession #4:
Peggy, our Christmas tree is still up. Our apartment smells more like Christmas now than it did in December. (Is that normal for trees to smell SO much like pine long after they’ve died?) Anyway, she’ll be here for another week or so. Because I don’t have the heart to toss her yet. So, naturally, all the other Christmas decorations are up around the house too. #LongLiveChristmas
Questions of the Day:
- What’s your favorite item of clothing?
- Are your Christmas decorations still up?
- ‘FESS UP! Tell me a secret 🙂

You crack me up! The zipper can be replaced super easily if you want. Just bring it to your local cleaners and they will do it for you 🙂
I cannot believe you still have your Xmas tree up! Well I do still have my star shower projector up outside!
Harmony, Momma To Go recently posted…Stuff I Love: December 2016
definitely a sweatshirt too, preferably the one from college.. my tree was up until last week too 😛
dixya @food, pleasure, and health recently posted…Chicken Tikka Lettuce Wrap
Hahaha that meme 😀 😀 I think as the tree dies the natural oils come out more and make the tree smell stronger. How come you guys decided on Peggy for the tree?
Also, it totally counts as a workout even if you were struggling to move the whole time! Confession? I’ve had some form of non dairy ice cream every night this week!
Heather @ Polyglot Jot recently posted…Food is Just Food
Fun read, our Christmas decorations are still up too lol 🙂
My family convinced me to leave our Christmas decorations until after New Years this year. Usually, I have to get them down the day after Christmas. They just start to grind on me after that. I would be going absolutely insane if my tree was still up. LOL… bless you!
Susan | The Sparrow’s Home recently posted…Get Up and Move Playlist
My favorite clothing is all my hippie wear from back when I worked in retail. Slowly it has all finally been truly falling apart, so I’m haivng to throw it away. Much to my daughters please as she is not a fan of my fashion choices. Her favorite thing to say to me when I found something shopping, “That’s nice mommy, put it back.”
We are moving so the ornaments are off the three, but the tree has not box to go in as of yet. Not quite sure what I’m going to do with it.
I’m on the blogospheres…I gave up secrets long ago. 🙂
Shopgirl Anonymous recently posted…Desigual Mission Statement
Love these posts! Our Christmas decorations are all put away, but that would mostly be because our house is on the market and we have to keep it “show ready.” If it makes you feel better, there are lots of people here in South Louisiana that keep their trees up this time of year by changing the decorations out to Mardi Gras colors and then calling it a “Mardi Gras Tree.” 🙂
I’ve nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award. Check it out here:
Ooooh, I’m the same way with stuff….I don’t really clean so much as just move things from one spot to another lol… xoxo
Melissa Blake recently posted…Instagram Fun: Food, Family and Cute Cats
Okay, I’m dying laughing about your sweatshirt! I’ve done that! And I still have favs that are decades old 🙂
I always put a paperclip in the zipper to move it when it’s broken. Works perfectly!! Also, I love that you still have your Christmas tree up. My decorations are gone, but I’m still burning my holiday candles like nobody’s business!
Rebecca Hicks recently posted…What to Eat for Breakfast & Jelly Filled Oatmeal Muffins
Um, this paperclip business is the ultimate hack. I don’t know why I didn’t realize this before!!
Too funny! Keep up the great work!
Bex recently posted…#3– Letter Writing: Well, sh*t fire and save the matches!
This is awesome! FYI I have a favorite sweatshirt from high school too and I’m 42 eeeeek LOL
Rachel Mouton recently posted…Six Fun Ways To Save Big For Your Big Game Party #SwitchAndSave
I don’t know if I have a favorite item of clothing. My Christmas decor is down and has been since 1/1. 🙂 Love your confession posts. My dresser looks similar right now haha.
Jessica (@loveyoumoretoo) recently posted…Workout Wednesday Round 2
LOL now this is a REAL post! Confession: I would live in sweat pants if I could!
Sarah Jean Althouse recently posted…DIY Foundation That’s Good For Your Skin
HAHA I also have such a sweatshirt 😀
Our Christmas tree is down since January 🙂
If you want take a look in my blog:
This is so funny. It’s long live Christmas here too!
We have been slowly taking down our Christmas decorations. Our tree is still up. The ornaments are off but the lights are still there, We want to have one last night with the only light from the tree.
I am really good about cleaning up after myself and not leaving things everywhere… but my family? NO WAY. Most of my day is spent cleaning up after them.
Lindsey recently posted…8 Unusual Valentine Gifts for Classmates
Really funny post, i also had my Xmas tree up two days ago, i just enjoyed watching it xo
These are so funny! Honestly, if I had a real Christmas tree I would have kept it up too!
Kristine-Bites of Flavor recently posted…Slow Cooker Mexican Beef Vegetable Stew
Haha, I love all of this! I didn’t have the chance to get my eyebrows done either and feel so hairy and as if everyone is staring at them!
Love the dental floss trick for your sweater! You are my kind of girl!
It is normal for them to smell stronger when they are dry! Hope you won’t have the needles all over your home when you toss it! Happy Wednesday xxx
Chrissy recently posted…How I Feel In 5 Words.
Your favorite sweatshirt looks quite cozy! I have stuff like that too that Ive had forever!
I can totally relate to Confession #1! I’m a hairstylist (only on Saturdays) with access to wax while I’m working. However, I’m horrible at remembering while at work so I often go weeks overdue with caterpillars for eyebrows.
Our tree went down on Jan 2nd. No confessions here, I am pretty much how people see online
My Christmas tree is not up if it weren’t that would be crazy. The weather is in the 70s this weekend to have a Christmas tree up would just be crazy. But my neighbors still have their tree up. I love this post thanks for sharing your confessions
Saidah Washington recently posted…How to Organize Your Coffee Bar
This blog post is amazing! Love it, had a little chuckle. All my Christmas decor was out before the new year. I was to excited to start 2017 on a new slate.
Divine recently posted…How I gained 1000 Pinterest Followers in less than 2 months
I have one Christmas tree still up, my favorite piece of clothing is a pair of yoga pants (but I never do yoga.)
Terri recently posted…Valentine Candy Bouquet #OrientalTrading
We always take down our Christmas decorations on Jan 2, unless we are out of town.
Rachel lavern recently posted…Turn Wasted Hours Into Productive Hours
This is too funny! Yes, we get a lot of products to promote on our blog/social sites, and it can get a bit overwhelming. Don’t worry about the tree, we just took ours down last week.
Fatima Torres recently posted…10 Free Products I Still Use Today
Our tree is still up and guess what, my zipper is just like that on my sweat top. It’s annoying but I’m too lazy to fix it…didn’t think about dental floss though.
I also have a sweatshirt from high school that I love and will never ever give up! Lucky for me it’s still in pretty good shape, although it isn’t quite as warm and fuzzy as it used to be
Nellwyn recently posted…What To Do When You’ve Finished Your First Draft
Ok now I don’t feel so bad about my tree. Just yesterday I swept up all of the dead pine needles and finished cleaning.
Haha I love all of these! When I forget to do my eyebrows I feel like everyone knows and I look like a scary monster so I totally know how you feel!
Lol on the eyebrows. Your post cracked me up. Thanks for being real!
Julie recently posted…DRAWING A BLANK
My secret is that after I worked out at the gym today with a trainer I went home and I ate chocolate chips.
Ha-ha, I LOVE you named your Christmas tree! We will have a family drawing to name our tree (yep, still up) tonight! I’m going for “Florence” or “Jezebel”….
It was such a very cool post. It was always a very entertaining section to see all the “behind the scene” stuff of the subject and oh, my tree too was still up until now. lol
Sarah-Louise Bailey recently posted…Win a Biscuit Card from Biscuiteers
This post made me giggle. If only I was as brave as you. LOL. By the way you are not alone, we just took down our Christmas tree on Monday.
Keren Charles recently posted…What I Wore: Poncho Sweater + Skinny Jeans + Ankle Boots
Your Christmas tree is still up……………….
Hope you are not turning on the lights on it. Since the tree has dried up so much, it could be a hazard.
Just be careful. Motherly advise.
Happy Hump Day to ALL.
Love you and your Honest Confessions.
My confession is that I have avoided dusting for way to long. It is embarrassing the level of dust on the furniture and fans. It is on the top of my to do list for tomorrow.
I love to get Christmas decorations up right away, and I don’t like to see Christmas end right away – I did just watch a Christmas movie tonight – BUT our house is on the small size so I do love how open the house feels when the Christmas decorations go away.
Kristin recently posted…Bring Your Own Healthy Snacks {BYOHS}
No, our Christmas tree and decorations have been down for a bit now. My Mom’s are still up however.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted…Story Of My Dog’s Purpose – With A Dog’s Purpose Movie and Giveaway
I always tell myself that I am going to wait till the new year to put my Christmas stuff away and every year I never make it!
LOL, I love this. 1. I would keep my tree up all year, 2. I can sew like a professional and yet, I too would use dental floss instead of replacing a zipper, and 3. I recently cleaned my dresser off because I couldn’t see it, HA
Omg don’t you just hate when you forget to do your eyebrows?!?! That happened to me a few weeks ago before I had an event to attend and omg… it made me self conscious all night.
We put up our Christmas decorations every year on the 3rd week of November. The Christmas tree is added a week or two before Christmas. When do we take them all down? A week after New Years. 🙂 We just love the pine scent!
I also have Christmas decor up in my house but we have removed the tree. I love wearing sweatshirts , they are so comfy and cozy for winters.
what a fun little post. Our Christmas tree isn’t up but that dresser sure looks familiar. ^_^
sara recently posted…Being a Friend Means…
haha… my favorite sweater is missing part of the zipper as well! As far as Christmas decorations they have long been put up! It is such a shame though!
Carrie recently posted…How the Magical Manifesting Diary Will Set You up for Success
Hahaha I love this! I’m TERRIBLE about piling up the coffee table! 🙁 I think the dresser is more acceptable.. 😉
LOL! Our Christmas tree is still up, too, but it doesn’t smell much like pine anymore. Sounds you got a special tree! Oh, and my favorite zip-up fleece jacket is also missing it’s zipper. I didn’t even think of tying something onto it… I should!
When I don’t get my eyebrows done I call them furry little bears hahah!! I love your post! This is a great way to get an interactive audience. My confession is that i just ate my lunch for breakfast at work! Oops!
Kit Stanwood recently posted…JORD Wood Watches Watch Review
Your confession about the dental floss made me laugh. I’m glad to see Peggy is still there – she’s practically part of the family now!!
Jackie recently posted…Why I Never Make New Year’s Resolutions Anymore
I hate when zippers break.. I need to learn how to replace because I have two of my fave sweaters that need to be fixed!
I have a shirt with a zipper…I use a paper clip! Lol. We just took our decorations down…Monday. I didn’t want to take them down. We use a fake tree, and I was almost convinced to leave it up all year…but then I have horrible allergies and all I could think of was it would be collecting all sorts of dust that I can’t handle.
Joanna @ Everyday Made Fresh recently posted…Simple Southern Collard Greens
I can’t believe your tree is up!! I had no idea that they smell more when dying, I think that would drive me crazy! Love the floss on the sweatshirt for the zipper!
Vera Sweeney recently posted…Twitter Party Alert: @MonsterTrucks 1/19 At 9PM EST #MonsterTrucks
You really crack me up! My eyebrows def. need to get done soon, i feel so much better after they are freshly waxed.
My Christmas Tree is still up as well. That’s cause I was away for most of January and I didn’t really got to enjoy it. So I suppose I’ll keep it a little bit longer, pretend it’s still December 🙂
We still have our lights up outside, but our house is so small that I broke down the tree the second january hit! haha
You are too funny! But I love how you keep it real! I have that same confession of moving things instead of really cleaning them up! LOL! Live and learn!
My tree comes down Dec 26 – every year! I can’t take it after two weeks of being up – the mess -everything out drives me bonkers!
oh my goodness that meme made me legit laugh out loud!!! hahaha. And girl, whatever makes you happy with your house decor, christmas themed or not!
hahaha, i just recently put my christmas tree down a few days ago but my lights are still up and garland around my house is still up! sometimes i won’t notice my kids plug in the christmas lights for the outside and wonder if i’m going to get a notice from our neighborhood association this month for having them on and fining me lol.
katriza recently posted…Explora! The Science Center & Children’s Museum
I loved this post. I look at so many blogs and feel like they are so perfect and clean and not a single thing is out of place… It’s like…. if I came to your house it would look like a model home that no one lives in and then there’s mine. Try to make the blog look good with high quality photos but in the end it’s just me… not perfect by any means. Thanks for sharing! It’s always nice to see we are all human 😉
Rachel @ Kitchen Cents recently posted…S’mores French Toast Bread Pudding
Hahaha! We just got our tree down a few days ago. There are still a few Christmas items that didn’t make it back in to our shed, and I will likely put them in a drawer and never see them again.
John recently posted…Hit the Road! Planning the Perfect Road Trip
I love that you have shared these! I have friends that still have their Christmas stuff up so you are definitely not alone!
Loved it. And that meme was on point and we all at some point loved some things which we don’t want to leave. Great read.
Wow – you STILL have your Christmas tree up? And you named her? You’re hilarious, girl!
karen recently posted…The 1 Book You Need For Beautiful Skin
I hate when #2 happens! haha
We JUST finished taking our Christmas decor down! haha Also, I love your zipper trick!
Logan recently posted…17 Books To Read in 2017
I love your confessions LOL, they crack me up!!! We have a ton of threading places around here in NJ, but man that hurts so much!
Well, our tree usually goes down on the 1st weekend of January. This is so funny you cracked me up! Not going to lie but I love your confession #1 about eyebrows the most.
I like your sweatshirt!
Our tree has to go down January 1st or else I just feel weird.
Amber Myers recently posted…Do People Write Thank You Letters Anymore?
Seriously you had me cracking up as I was reading this. And yes, trees smell more the longer they sit out. As someone allergic to them I can always tell when someone has an old tree up in their house – I start to look like Will Smith in Hitch.
Brittany recently posted…KidzStuff First Aid Kit [and promo code]
You should attach a paper clip to your broken zipper – it might be easier to maneuver than dental floss…lol. I’m in the same boat as you…still have the Christmas tree up and you can barely see my work desk.
Yona Williams recently posted…What’s Inside a Gluten Free Box of Great Kids Healthy Snacks?
This is all of us! Confession, I dress like someone that works from home. My sister once told me I look shifty because the way I dress. My mom told me I embarrassed her one time because I went out in Christmas pants to pick up my daughter. We all have our things… embrace them! 😉
Don’t we all do this? I’m glad I’m not the only one doing these things. Actually, I have a drawer full of junk where I toss things from time to time when I need to clear my worktable in a hurry.
mark and kate recently posted…One Day In Lisbon
I have a sweater that I can’t let go of either. I think it’s nice that you still have your tree up, it adds a little cheer when you get home from a busy day at work.
I have not named our Christmas tree but ours is still also up like Peggy. 🙂 I am guilty of the zipper too. Thank you for sharing your quirky confessions … I enjoyed reading through.
Angela Ricardo recently posted…Better Sleep with a Lull Premium Foam Mattress
I loved this post! I actually have been planning on doing a post like this and now i’m inspired to write it! Thanks for sharing!
This is hilarious! Here’s my confession: I really need to wash my hair and have been putting it off.
Jazz recently posted…Crunchy Kale Salad
lol… Great post and funny… I took my Christmas decoration off last week so don’t feel bad they are still up.
Hehe, I just cleaned my office room because I could no longer see the top. It feels good when it’s clean.
Marielle recently posted…Fashion Friday Story: Inspirational Graphic T-Shirts #Centsofstyle
My favourite item of clothing is actually more of sleepwear (it is my robe) which currently have like 4 holes along the seems but I can’t find one like it to use to replace it so I’m probably going to wear it until it completely falls apart. As far as xmas decorations, I have severe OCD and a very strict annual “routine” Christmas decorations go up on November 12th and come down on December 31st.
We still have our Christmas tree up too! Mostly just because I haven’t had the time to take all the ornaments off, but it still looks nice!
wait, you are supposed to be able to see the top of dressers? well, ive messed that up my entire life lol.
I end up putting everything in one table too! I think it’s not an issue whether you’ve taken down your decorations or not. I mean, it’s too much work! Lol.
Carol Cassara recently posted…Let’s get laughing, why don’t we?
I love this in so many levels, cause I can totally relate. 🙂 Stuff is all over our house too by the way and your sweatshirt, we are in the same boat! Shhhh, don’t tell anyone. 🙂
I took a picture of a drink once and my fingernails looked dirty. I dyed my hair black and the globe broke. I know someone shook their jand and said my man wasnt taking hood care of me. Lol
I’m the same way with stuff….I don’t really clean so much as just move things from one spot to another 😛
Yay! 🙂 I enjoy reading this post! If keeping the tree makes you feel better then leave it there. I’d love all year Christmas feeling <3 So much good vibes!