It’s Wednesday and that means I’m about to get confessional. But, first, can we recognize that I’ve had 49 weeks of confessions? Am I just hoarding that many secrets? Or do I just do embarrassing things on the regular and find the need to report on them weekly?
Either way, we’re at it again.
So, cue Usher.
Because….here are my confessions.
Confession #1:
I don’t know if this is due to the fact that I’ve reached the 30-year old threshold or the fact that I’m a married lady now, but there’s GOTTA BE A REASON why I’ve been obsessed with dad jokes as of late. Ankur told a terrible joke yesterday and I thought it was pretty darn funny.
Question: What’s a spider’s NY resolution?
Answer: Spending less time on the web.
Pretty terrible, right?
But I thought it was brilliant. What’s wrong with me? Is this what it feels like to start “aging?”
Confession #2:
We followed up the joke-telling by spending 15 minutes imitating the sloth scene from Zootopia. Apparently, I’m not good at being a sloth. I sound more like a seal. And I always break character within a few seconds. Because I just can’t keep a straight face.
Confession #3:
We had pizza for dinner last night. I’m realizing now that this isn’t really a confession anymore. It’s more like a dietary requirement.
Questions of the Day:
- Did you think the spider joke was funny?
- Have you seen Zootopia?
- What’s your favorite dinner to make at home?

I had my in-laws here for much of winter break. And, while we can struggle to find common ground, ZOOTOPIA and the love of the sloth scene is where we intersect. Thank goodness for that movie 🙂
Carla recently posted…Writing a fitness mission statement.
Yes the spider joke was funny. I love crazy jokes.
What I do when no one is watching is turn on 1980s music and dance. Too bad the 80s pop stars are all leaving the planet though.
I seem to be following every Facebook link you post on. 🙂
Sumudu recently posted…Every day it gets a little closer though it seems so far away
Your pizza looks yummy! My fave meal at the moment is omelette! The boyfriend bought me an omelette maker for Christmas and I’m obsessed. Don’t worry, he got me some pretty things too though 😉 Don’t worry about the dad jokes, I laugh at terrible jokes all of the time! Nikki x
nikki recently posted…Christmas Jewellery Gifts
This idea is awesome! 😀 I think I should be doing one of these posts! I have so many confessions to make.. hehe… And the sloth scene from Zootopia was kind of creepy to me. 😀
Recently posted..Ayur Herbals Deep Pore Cleansing Milk
You should link up next week! 🙂 it’s a fun, cathartic exercise! Haha 🙂
I love Dad jokes. They are classic!
My favorite dinner to make at home has to be spaghetti and meat balls. I never get tired of it and it’s easy to throw together. Pizza is a close second…
Mmm, I do love pizza!
Zootopia is a hilarious movie. I like that Sloth but I doubt I’d be good at acting like him either.
Amber Myers recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay
spending less time on the web lollllllll that’s great and i’m totally group texting that to my family right now
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted…what to get someone who has everything
Yes, I love jokes.
Yes, I was surprised how much I enjoyed Zootopia.
Pasta with rice noodles.
Thanks for the awesome link-up, I’ll check back again and again. 🙂
Hope this day treats everyone kindly. Off to visit and share. 🙂
Hmmm, for some reason I’m craving pizza now and maybe a rewatch of Zootopia? 😉
I love this idea!! I agree, dad jokes are hilarious and pizza is definitely a requirement (I eat it way more often than I probably should, but who’s counting!)
confession #2 had me in giggles! We’ve all done that scene from Zootopia though… right… guys! I love that film, it’s always so fun to watch after a long day! Spending less time on the web is a definite must, more time bring present with loved ones.
The joke was pretty cute. I’ve never seen Zootopia. I could eat pizza three nights a week. I love the idea of confessions. You learn so much about someone that way. And way more interesting then if you asked someone to tell you about themselves.
OH my gosh…confessions confessions confessions. I love dad jokes! My husband has really started to master them since kiddo number three. He’s an old soul.
Then my confession…do not let it reflect on me as a person….but my kids have seen Zootopia, we even own Zootopia, but me myself, I have never seen it, I just trust disney to have a great product! 😉
My favorite thing to cook at home….eeek! That’s difficult I can’t presently make my blackened chicken alfredo since the baby has come down with a dairy allergy. SOoooo my second runner up is hibachi style salmon teriyaki and fried rice with sushi. Hibachi used to be my favorite outing, you could call me a connoisseur of sorts…but my kids are terrified of it. :/ So I just one day decided to copy everything I watched those chefs do over and over again. Mastered it on my first try! 😉
Shopgirl Anonymous recently posted…The Limited Mission Statement
Hehe. I giggled at the dad joke too. No, I haven’t seen Zootopia. I love making my own pizza with the hubby!
Jessica (@loveyoumoretoo) recently posted…Sablon Chocolate Lounge
I’ve never heard the spider joke before, LOL. I also haven’t seen Zootopia before, it looks like a great movie…My favorite thing to make at home is anything pasta.
Tasheena @ recently posted…My Top 10 Recipes of 2016
We’ve been big on pasta as of late! It’s just so easy to throw together!
I did think the spider joke was funny. Here’s my favorite joke of all time: There are 2 snowmen in a field. One says to the other, ‘can you smell carrots?’. Love it :-))
Jackie recently posted…Why I Never Make New Year’s Resolutions Anymore
Hahaha, I just shared the snowman joke with my husband and we got a giggle out of it!
The joke was a little lame but I laughed nonetheless. Never saw Zootopia but I just googled it and am reminded of the trailer. Looks cute but I probably still won’t watch it. Last night, I boiled a bag of frozen Asian dumplings because we were trying to make a 6:40PM showing of “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them” and I was running late. We made the movie on time but sadly, it was sold out…
Marian recently posted…Love DIY and It’s Not ‘Cause I’m Frugal
Never seen Zootopia, and our favorite dinner to make at home is mac & cheese 🙂 Healthy, I know
Brittany recently posted…It’s Cold Here!
WOw I am thinking back to my catholic upbringing. If only going to confession was as easy as writing it down. I must agree with the pizza one though.
I thought the spider joke was cute. I did see Zootopia. And yes pizza is a requirement.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted…New Year’s Resolutions – Yay Or Nay?
Hahaha one can never eat too much pizza!!!!! I use to think it was so bad, but the older I get, who cares how much we eat it lol
Oh man, that joke is hilarious!!! And yes, I need to spend less time on the Web too…but, as I’m sure you can relate, it’s hard for us bloggers!! xoxo
The spider joke is funny! I’m going to try that with my husband and see how he reacts. 🙂 Favorite dinner I make at home is always pasta. Nothing goes to waste whenever we have pasta nights at home. 🙂
The sloth scene in Zootopia is my favorite. It’s hilarious. LOL.
Briana Marie recently posted…Giveaway Alert! New Year, New Cheer Giveaway Hop: Win a Starbucks gift card + Tons of other Cool Prizes!
Love the name of your blog!
i like to make chicken curry or nepali dumplings.
dixya @food, pleasure, and health recently posted…Muesli Biscotti {Vegan}
I must admit I chuckled when I read the spider joke. Can’t wait to tell someone else. LOL! No, I haven’t seen Zootopia. And my favorite thing to make at home is my version of Olive Garden’s Zuppa Toscana potato and kale soup. Yum!
My husband is the KING of “dad jokes.” That sort of humor always gets me!
I did see Zootopia with my kids. It was acute movie! My daughter just brought up the bunnies name today as a matter of fact! I think pizza should be eaten every week! I guess favorite dinner to make at home here is either Shepard Pie or Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and biscuits!
Rose recently posted…Holiday Decorations
The spider joke was super funny. I have zootopia and just LOVED it. Chicken pot pie is my favourite!!
The spider joke was great. New Year resolution, —- less time on the web…… Correct.
Never seen Zootopia.
Loved your Pizza picture.
Happy Wednesday to All.
I thought the spider joke was funny! Lol. I like corny stuff sometimes. I have seen zootopia. I was happy when it finally came on Netflix. My favorite dinner to make at home is fettuchini.
Isaly Holland |
I haven’t watched yet the Zootopia (how come I missed this!). My favorite dinner to cook is boiled carrits and mashed potato. I know its not even cooking, hahaha but i like it
Last night for dinner we have one of my favorite meals Black Eyed Peas, Sausage and Corn Bread. It was so good!
Carrie recently posted…New Year’s Resolutions: 7 Tips + Tricks to Make 2017 Your Best Year Ever
Did you think the spider joke was funny? –No–but I know someone who will-now if I can only remember it to tell it to them.
Have you seen Zootopia? —No
What’s your favorite dinner to make at home? Spaghetti with sauce from a jar!
Michele recently posted…Sharing The Love of Books and Audio Books Linky-Pre-Orders New Releases Free & Bargain Books
Your pizza is making me hungry right now. I can eat a couple of slices after working outside.
Garf recently posted…Stack & Save on belVita Biscuits #belVitaBreakfast
haha I love these! I love Zootopia too! and you’re pizza was probably healthier than the very well buttered grilled cheese with bacon and french fries I had today for lunch!
Two years ago we used to have pizza every week, Sometimes twice a week. We live fairly far from a pizza store, so we had to stop. Lol, The spider joke was hilarious! LOL
Marielle recently posted…My Ah-mazing 2016 Blogging Goals Recap
I love your honesty! This link up seems like a fun way to get into self-expression and realize that your quirks aren’t just solely you being a crazy strange person! At least in my personal belief! There are a lot of weird things I do or think that have made me feel so awkwardly alone! 😀 I’d love to link-up! I’m just getting back to blogging and finding my flow in blog posting consistency but I’ll be sure to join here and there!
Do you make your own pizza? Order, or buy frozen??
We love making our own pizza! We buy most of the ingredients from Trader Joe’s. Including the pizza dough!
I loved Zootopia! I thought it was super cute. Your pizza looked delicious!
That sloth scene is the best from Zootopia. It gets me every time. As for pizza….that’s all I want lately. I feel like I could it eat it for every single meal.
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