A few weeks ago, Ankur and I were watching an episode of Parks and Rec, as we usually do after dinner.
It was the episode where Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari) is taken to court because of a car accident due to constant use of his smart phone. He was on “Twitter Trial.” (Apparently he was tweeting updates on the traffic AS he was driving the car).

Anyway, this episode brought to light an obvious problem that Tom – and many others like Tom – experience each day. We are obsessively and ridiculously addicted to our cell phones. Our screen time.
We like to scroll, tap, zoom, click all day long. How do we curb our social media obsession? Share on X
And the reason I blog about it today is because my obsession has gotten significantly worse over the past few weeks. I’ve always been attached to my cell phone. Back in my T9 texting days, it was always with me. I was never without it.
But, lately, I’ve taken it to a whole new level. Literally, as Tom Haverford ranted on and on and on about the variety of social media sites he frequents each day, I attempted to scroll through my own Facebook feed. Even in that moment, I was aware of the irony of it all, but I continued my way down to the next funny meme on my FB page.

As this year slowly comes to an end and I contemplate what I want 2017 to look like, I know that I don’t want social media to be a priority. I know that keeping this blog alive requires a little bit of social media time, but I definitely need to incorporate some boundaries to turn it off.
This will require time limits. And it will require being proactive and scheduling out posts ahead of time. I am still trying to figure it out. But I am welcoming advice and suggestions.
How do you curb your social media addiction?
Questions of the Day:
- Do you incorporate time limits on social media?
- If you are a blogger, do you write new content every day?
- What are your NY resolutions?

Being a blogger and having a smart phone is like being an alcoholic with a bar. You have to set boundaries, or at the very least learn to live with it in a productive, not destructive, way.
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Top Posts from Running Coaches Corner 2016
I am getting back into blogging after a hiatus. This means that I am suddenly spending much more time on social media than I used to! I think it will be ideal for me (as I start back to work after the New Year), to blog twice a week and do social media work for the blog twice or three times a week. That gives me more time to be with my husband and get more ideas to blog about!
I definitely have social media time limits. It helps my relationship for sure. I am usually really good about not being on my phone while driving though…too many horror stories!
Jessica Bradshaw recently posted…January North Dallas Food and Fitness Events
This is a great post. As a fellow blogger I feel the same. We can blog all day long because there is always something to say. I am hoping in 2017 I can have one day a week where I am off all social media.
I would want to see myself writing new content everyday, however, the daily responsibilities of being a mom, wife and homemaker has limited my time to write. Regarding social media use, I do my best to set a good example to my kids and avoid being on my smartphone during certain times of the day, and strictly no cellphone/smartphone use while driving.
I definitely set a limit on my social media. I do 10 minutes on Twitter, post once a day on Facebook and several times on Pinterest. It never feels like enough but it keeps me from going crazy.
This is a topic very close to my heart. I wrote a blog post all about it and I remember you saying that your mom read it and took a screenshot to send to your family. That was funny! One thing I have done is to delete the social media apps from my phone. I don’t get notifications anymore and I have to login each time I want to engage. I’ve hardly been on FB this week and it’s been great!!
I’ll admit as a blogger I am totally addicted to my phone! HA! Glad I’m not alone though. It’s so fun being a blogger even with all our weird quirks and habits.
Angela recently posted…Hoppin’ John
I try to limit my screen time, but sometimes it is difficult. I have cut back a lot, by leaving my phone at home if we go to the park or at certain times in the day I have mandatory NO PHONES time.
I try to limit my time, although since my day job has me at a computer with some down time, sadly I usually end up on social media at some point. I don’t blog every day, not even weekly sometimes, but that is something I plan to get better at in the new year, and scheduling my social media will hopefully help! 🙂
Callie recently posted…Budget setting & why you need to
I love social media, but I won’t check my phone when I’m in the car. I don’t want to crash and I don’t want to be the cause of someone else’s crash. That just seems rather selfish.
I also try to not be on it ALL the time when I’m trying to spend moments with my family.
Amber Myers recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay
I’m fortunate that my day job has me holding down a desk and on a computer all day so I can get a lot of blogging/social media out of the way on most days.
Skipah’s Realm recently posted…The Long Goodbye
I think limiting screen time or social media time is a good idea. The constant notifications on my phone do tend to keep me glued to it.
I need to be better about restricting my social media. Its a crazy amount I spend on it
omg. i am totally addicted to it too… I have to force myself to unplug sometimes.
I need to write new content everyday even if it isn’t published. I just do social media when I have time.
I will say I am addicted to my blog. I have content for Monday-Friday but I write out my posts on Sundays so I don’t have to write each day. I spend maybe an hour or two a day on my computer (:
Isaly Holland
I haven’t done my resolution(s) yet. Lol, I have a few days still, right? I would love to hear what you eventually settle on to be more organized and less on your phone. I would like to find a better system in the new year.
Rose recently posted…The Kindness Challenge (book review)
No I don’t blog new content everyday. I should start though.
Alicia recently posted…Beginner’s Bible from FlyBy Promotions
Bing a bloggerholic is crazy! You will need more time to think and write content every day.
I do try to get something up on my blog every day–but I generally do have things pre scheduled or I try!! I don’t text or even use the type of phone that you are referring to so it is only when I sit in front of my computer that I am on the various social media. I do try to get everything done by 8 8:30 pm but don’t always succeed–especially when I have been out for part of the day either with bookkeeping clients or taking my Mom shopping!
Michele recently posted…Book Review-Silver Bells at Moonglow-Deborah Garner
This is definitely a tough one! Thank you for the reminder to unplug a little more.
I had to do this as well! I can soooo relate.
I have set limits for social media as they are time consuming. I try to write as much as content possible.
I think I need to start incorporating time limits. I think me constantly being on my phone is starting to get on my partner’s nerves.
I don’t write content daily, I do it every other day, but I do social media daily and for hours.
Oh you bet cell phone use addiction is a reality. People cannot leave without one and they even put theirs and others lives at risk using them while driving, insane.
If possible and if a good idea comes in, I tried to write new content everyday. And after finishing my draft, I stay away from social media for 2-3hours to refresh my mind and eyes… and enjoy watching movies!
This is so true for me. Having an iPhone 7 Plus myself, it really is like a little computer in my hands at all times. Thank goodness my day job does not allow us to be on our phones (something about leaking trade secrets SMH) or I know I would be constantly checking all day. I have limited what I do on each social media app on my phone. I have turned off most of the irrelevant alerts so I’m not constantly hearing notifications and just NEEDING to see what it is.
I work on new content daily, however, I limit posting to only 3 a week so as not to overwhelm myself. I try to have content ready as a backup in case of emergencies.
Thank you so much for the wonderful reminder to unplug once in a while.
Amy Lyon recently posted…Master Organizing Your Thread With This One Tool
It’s like we can’t help ourselves with social media! I feel sometimes it is like a buffet and my eyes are bigger than my tummy. I have started focusing on just one outlet at a time and I love the idea of time limits! That would help a lot!
There’s always plenty of content in my head but sharing it to the perfection that I would like to achieve is something different. being a social media junkie and a perfectionist works against me…lol
Cynthia Williamston recently posted…Fashion Inspiration for any wedding event by Ezie
It’s definitely tough to turn it off sometimes. It’s a double edged sword for bloggers that’s for sure!
Just like everything else, it’s important to have a limit as to how long you’ll be using your gadgets. I barely open my phone when there are family or friends around so I can focus on interacting with them.
Social media and cell phone use is so addicting these days! I’m hoping to use my phone less in the new year!
Honestly, I fail to incorporate any such time limits when it comes to Social Media as I am too much obsessed with it in knowing what is happening around every time. But Yes, I so stay away when I know my family needs me to make sure I can check back again!
Great post and worth consideration about our social media addiction! I noticed it – just like in memes – when I was at my daughter’s house visiting, along with my other two daughters, and my sons-in-law – as we gathered after the birth of my third granddaughter. We all had our phones out and kept checking them instead of visiting, undistracted by them!
In answer to your questions – I *need* to limit my time on social media, probably through using timers like Pomodoro and/or Toggl.
I do try to blog every day in one blog, and 3-4 times/week in the other blog.
I don’t have any new year’s resolutions, but my word for the new year is “breakthroughs.” I’m endeavoring to compile an action plan with proactive steps and goals to help me be more productive, to facilitate the breakthroughs I need in various areas of life.
K. Lee Banks recently posted…End of 2016 – Three Things Thursday: Fur Babies, Nor’easter, and Devotions!
I really do need to set limits on my socal media binging. More importantly I need to use that time writing. Thanks for the prompt to get started.
Divya dear, I am so glad you brought up this topic in your confessions.
It was interesting and informative to read the thoughts and advise of others.
I am hoping all your followers ( including me and you) learn from the positive advise given by all the readers.
It is scary to read of the accidents that happen daily because of texting while driving.
I feel texting or reading texts in red lights is distracting as well.
My strong advise would be to leave the phone in the purse when in car and keep it far away from reach so there is no temptation to grab it when a text comes. At the most it is only 20-25 minutes till one reaches their destination.
At least the driver and the others on the road will be in a safer world.
Please my humble request to all — Can we start off our New Year 2017 with phones away from reach. Thank you.
The social media connection can be limited to 30 minutes am and 30 minutes pm.
When with family make it a point to not be checking the phones constantly.
Please try and spend time with those that are next to you and not the far away ones that you are trying to reach out by phone/text/facebook etc etc.
I know this is too much motherly lecture/advise.
Had to do it as I got a good chance.
Hope most of us can incorporate this positive change in our lives for the New Year…
Such great post! Its true that I am totally addicted to my phone! I have set limits for social media!
I posted a resolution today for my blogging. I want to find a better balance for my family and housekeeping. But I also want to build up a following I’m satisfied with. A schedule for blog time chore time and kid time will definitely be incorporated. It will be easier when the kids finally start school for sure. 🙂 Right now I can’t devote full attention to any of the three at any give moment with a busy 18 mos. running lose in the house. 😉
Shopgirl Anonymous recently posted…Shop Girl’s Year in Review and Resolutions
A very difficult topic and and an important one. I try to restrict senseless social media habits too. A very happy new year to you
Dr.Amrita Basu recently posted…The affair with tea:#Blog and Celebrate to win
Between the groups I manage and my own work, I spend way too much time online. There’s no way around it but to cut back. I’m doing that this year.