Good morning! Even though I’m technically on vacation, I’ve been waking up between 4:30-5:00 every morning because my body thinks I’m still on the east coast! But I’m a-okay with it because the quiet hours of the morning are my absolute favorite.
Yesterday, we spent all day in Salinas hanging out with the cutest munchkins in town.
I have a newfound respect for all the parents of the world. Though Veer and I have spent hours upon hours of quality time together, it’s a whole different ballgame when you are in the driver’s seat (literally) and are responsible for a child’s life.
Veer and I went on a solo date to Starbucks. We’ve been on a few solo dates together, but this is the first time a car was involved. And I was the driver.
Confession #1:
Veer had to walk me through each and every step of how to put on his car seat. He giggled at me the entire time. And downright laughed when I attempted to “snap” something I was supposed to “buckle.”
Confession #2:
Normally I check my phone when I’m at a red light. And I’ve been known to drive with one hand while carrying a cup of coffee in the other. (Rebellious in my 30s, I tell you).
But, with precious cargo in the backseat yesterday, I did nothing of the sort. I kept my hands on the wheel at 10 and 2. I ignored my phone that kept ringing in my purse. And I had my eyes on the road – and on my rearview mirror – the entire time.
Confession #3:
I lied in front of Veer.
When the barista asked me what my name was for the order, I said “Sarah.” Because that is my Starbucks name. The poor child was so confused. I told him I said my name was “Sarah” because it was easier for them to spell. He responded, “But I want my croissant to say Veer.” And then I proceeded to lie further and say, “Okay well I have a Sharpie in my bag. We can change yours to Veer,” simply because, at that point, we were holding up the line and I needed to say anything – ANYTHING! – to keep angry un-caffeinated humans from beheading us.
In conclusion, I want to give a big shout-out to all the parents in the world. I, often times, compare my role as a teacher to being a parent. They do have a lot of similarities. But, there’s nothing like actually being responsible for a child’s EXISTENCE.
So, I’m sending you my virtual appreciation. You guys rock.
Questions of the Day:
- Are you a parent? Do you wear a cape?
- Have you ever “white-lied” to a child?
- ‘FESS UP! Tell me a secret.

Im the same way about phones. I really need to be better about it. Ugh!
Ha, this is great! I remember driving home with my first born from the hospital and driving so carefully because of our “precious cargo” too! It definitely puts weight on you when you aren’t used to it, but it does get better! Glad you had the experience!
Steven Goodwin @ MyFamilyOnABudget recently posted…Family Christmas Traditions: Celebrating on a Budget
So cute! It sounds like you have had a great couple of days. Your confessions are always a highlight of my Friday. I love this.
Jessica Bradshaw recently posted…How to Prepare for Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery
Hahaha. That about sounds just like both of my kids. But my son is a little older and he loves to come up with new names.
Stop! These are so funny! Car seats are hard –I totally understand. Enjoy your vacay 🙂 Hopefully you’ll sleep in more some days!
I loved reading this post. Yes, I am a parent to three grown ups. It was a roller coaster of a ride, raising those three! I had my share of saying “white lies” too. I also gave a false name to a sales agent who asked for my name after handing me a free sample of their product.
My sister just had a baby so I will share this post with her too. Thanks for sharing x
you have to love the time spent with your kids. Enjoy it while you can. They grow up so fast!
I find that leaving my phone in the backseat or putting it on do-not-disturb while I’m driving is super helpful to preventing the red light check. If I’m not hearing it buzz, then I’m not thinking that it may have or wanting to know what that buzz was about. Also, if I’m listening to an audiobook or podcast while I drive, I’m less likely to check, even though the phone is in my lap. I think it’s just because I’m actually semi-entertained that I don’t think about it as much.
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More recently posted…Four Ways to Get in the Holiday Spirit
Loved this and the layout of your blog! I’m gonna go read more of your posts now 🙂
I’m telling you…my driving improved significantly once I had babies! As a classroom teacher, the biggest attitude adjustment for me after having kids was that I judged parents far less. Seeing first hand how difficult it was to have a newborn, it lifted the level of respect I had (even for “bad” parents) because they got their child through infant-hood alive.
Susan recently posted…Small Ways to Serve Close to Home this Christmas
You rock too! Happy Holidays
I have to say I am thankful for teachers, I have five kids and it is a blessing to have other adults care for them and teach!! Love the starbucks story!
Audrey recently posted…When Grandmas Don’t Pay Attention to “Recommended Age” Advice
I also have so much respect for anyone who’s a parent! And I have a Starbucks name too! And a taxi name and a pizza delivery name…
Nellwyn recently posted…Currently December
What a cute guy great to spend time with a young fellow that can teach us so much. I guess now you are ready to start a family =) because parenthood is great
Car seats can be SO tricky. I had my husband figure it out because I just got confused.
Yup, I never mess with my phone in the car. Ever. Even if my kids aren’t with me, I wouldn’t want to cause an accident to someone else who has kids in the car.
Amber Myers recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay
It’s SO true what you’ve said. When you’re not a parent and you suddenly have to drive a small child around it’s pretty nerve wrecking. You both look adorable in that photo!
I check my phone at red lights too. Lol. I need to get out of that habit though. I have 2 little ones at home and you’re right it is so different when you’re responsible for the care of a child.
Briana Marie recently posted…Christmas Activities and The 1st Day of Winter
Confession one is hilarious, I had the same thing happen to me, when I started working for a school
OMG this is actually so adorable, I love reading your confessions!!
Yes I am a parent, I have two boys. I don’t know that I wear a cape, I do what I can.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted…Data Security for Everyone
It looks like you had a great time with Veer. I had to laugh at your Starbucks story. My Starbucks name is Zoe, which my little one insists I use it whenever we are there.
Babita recently posted…How to make the best Karanji (Gujiya)
Being a mom is the best job in the world and can be one of the most difficult. We should all wear capes!
I love that you change your name at Starbucks! That’s such a good idea. Mine is Rebecca, and they still manage to mess that up fairly often haha.
Rebecca Hicks recently posted…Cranberry Orange Cookies | Holiday Recipe Series
I hate ordering off of my phone for that very reason. It’s like they’ll leave my cup right there and not even yell out my name (most of the time) If I’m ordering at the register. I use my last name.
PS: Yes, I’m a mom and I don’t wear a cape. Lied about Santa, The Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, LOL
Tasheena @ recently posted…8 Things On My Winter To-Do List
I am totally a morning person too, love to get stuff done when the world is sleeping and less distracting haha. Such an adorable kid.
xx, Kusum |
Kusum recently posted…How My Productivity Increased | Sudio Sweden Earphones | Romwe
I’m not a mom yet, hopefully in the next year or so. I have definitely lied to kids. Not because I wanted to be mean, but sometimes it’s easier than telling a 4 year old the truth.
Alexis recently posted…Preparing For The New Year & A Reader’s Survey
Oh, such adorableness in this post!!!! Looks like you did a great job!!!
Melissa Blake recently posted…Happy Holidays and Best of the Blog 2016
Ha ha….I have done that star bucks thing too and seen that puzzled look on my daughter’s face. Yes, parenting is so different and challenging. And Kudos to all those out there who are doing it. Merry Xmas
Ami recently posted…Why is it a pleasure to visit Mauritius?
I am with you when it comes to waking up early even on vacations! Your confessions are quiet funny and I have to admit that most of these happens with my kids as well, but these are some great memories to cheer anytime!
I love reading your confessions and what a cute guy to spend time! Enjoy your vacations!
I know a few people who do the same on starbucks because they are tired of people murdering their names lol. I am about to do my driving test and I know the pressure of driving with precious cargo
Anosa recently posted…Christmas presents for the family
Mommies have the hardest and most rewarding job on the planet. Fortunately there is no such thing as a “perfect” mom. Lol! We do our best!
No`, I am not a parent–and yes I have told small little white lies to my friends kids more times then I want to remember! Hey–anything to keep the peace and stop a tantrum in the making!
Michele recently posted…Sharing The Love of Books and Audio Books Linky-Pre-Orders New Releases Free & Bargain Books
I also faced a similar situation when I was taking my niece to her swimming class and couldn’t fix her car seat. Then she explained me everything. Parenting is so hard and hats off to all the parents!
Ana recently posted…Throwback 2016: 24 Travel Bloggers & Their Favorite Destinations
You’re being so productive! 🙂
Melissa recently posted…Get your party dress on for New Year’s Eve
Funny stuff. Well written.
I’m a mom to two and now and yes, I feel like I’m much more careful in the car when they are with me! Gotta take care of my precious cargo. <3
Adorable blog. You got the cutest nephew in town.
Have fun with family.
Happy Holidays All.
You had me giggling at the ‘angry un-caffeinated humans’ part of the post. Veer is such a little cutie in his glasses! I’m glad you were so careful with him! He’s lucky he got to spend the day with you. 🙂
erin |
I’m totally cracking up. I’m going to use a different name too. They always misspell mine.