Hi everyone!
This is going to be a new series I attempt to start with this whirlwind of a blog. Primarily because, just like all people who do the social media thing, I tend to highlight the GREAT things in my life. And shove everything else under the rug.
Oh, I started my detox. I’m so healthy. [I just won’t post the picture of me taking a detox detour – shoving french fries into my mouth at Happy Hour].
Oh, I went to the gym on Monday. Let me post a picture of my heart rate monitor with all the calories I burned today. [I just won’t acknowledge the fact that I didn’t go on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday].
Oh, I went for a hike on Saturday morning. [But let’s not discuss that I spent the remainder of Saturday, laying on my couch, scrolling through my Facebook feed until my phone dropped on my face].
So now my guilt is weighing on me. I need an outlet to vent the behind-the-scenes of my life. The not-so-great moments that should probably be documented somewhere.
But, I also have a reputation to uphold (AKA my mom reads this blog), so I’ll only be sharing a handful of confessions at a time. No need to go overboard with the embarrassing stories.
So, let’s begin, shall we?
1) Every year I try to buy my Christmas tree before Thanksgiving. Every year, I get reprimanded for trying to skip over a holiday. [They don’t know that I would try to buy my Christmas tree before Halloween if I could].
2) I would never take anything from a child’s lunch. Unless there are Cheez-its involved. When Cheez-its are involved, all bets are off.
3) When I drive, I almost always have one of my hands on the gear shifter. In high school, I thought it made me look cool to hold my hand there to pretend I drove a stick-shift. Now, I just do it out of habit. I already know I’m uncool.
Phew. I feel better already.
A more honest human.
Now, it’s your turn. Confess. It feels good.
Fess up:
- Would you steal a kid’s lunch?
- Tell me an embarrassing story. Do it. I like to laugh.
I think that’s why my child likes but doesn’t love when I come up to school to surprise her for lunch. I always forget to bring my own and steal stuff when she’s not looking 🙂
Carla recently posted…Screw the elevator pitch.
Enjoyed reading your honest confessions.
Lets not do the cool style driving. Could be dangerous. (Mommy lectures).
Love your Christmas Tree. God Bless!!
Haha I love this! And I would have my tree up all through fall if I could 🙂
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