Good morning!
Thanks to all of you for your loving and encouraging comments on yesterday’s post. I enjoyed hearing from all my teacher friends about how they experience the exact same thing on the daily. Every instructional minute is so darn important!
Today’s post will be a little lighter because it’s Wednesday. And, with every Wednesday, comes a list of confessions from the week! As usual, play along in the comments. I enjoy reading about the behind-the-scenes of your life! 🙂
Cue Usher:
These are my confessions…
I needed to finish testing one of my kiddos for his upcoming IEP meeting. Unfortunately, he’s rarely at school due to several health issues he’s currently facing. And when he IS at school, there’s a 50/50 chance that he’s alert enough to sit through an entire battery of tests. That means, on the off chance that he’s at school and alert, I have to grab him to complete all the academic testing with him. Even if it cuts into my intervention time.
I sent my intervention groups on a “Suffix Scavenger Hunt” around school. I made it look all official with clipboards and rules and pre-made suffix papers. But, in reality, I just needed them outta my room so I could finish up testing. #TeacherOfTheYear
We got a box of Sees Candy for our very first Karwa Chauth. It’s been sitting in our fridge since last week.
If you open up the box, you’ll notice that every piece of chocolate has bites taken out of them. Except for the ones with nuts. Those ones are all in my belly.
I am an Irish exiter. I like to leave the party without saying goodbye. Without saying thank you. Without making any eye contact. I like to peace-the-heck-outta-there.
This is not because I’m ungrateful. It’s because I have a hard time with goodbyes. Maybe this is actually a rebellious act against my family. Indian goodbyes are so long. I can’t stand it. So, in an effort to avoid the hour-long goodbyes, I just sneak out.
If you’ve ever said anything remotely hilarious, dad-jokey, slightly racist, or drunkenly ridiculous, I’ve probably written it down in my notepad.
I have a terrible memory. But I’ve got some funny friends. Thus, the iPhone quotenotes were created (<—-I just came up with this name right now. I think it’s going to stick).
Friends, I’ve got stories for our grandkids. Or at least a quote or two.
Questions of the Day:
- Do you bite into every piece of chocolate to find the one with the best filling?
- Do you make it a point to say goodbye at parties or are you an Irish exiter as well?
- ‘FESS UP! Tell me a secret!
Love this! I dont’ bite into every chocolate piece but I after I buy some chocolate I hide it so I’m the only one know where it is. Otherwise I wouldn’t have any chocolate when I need it:)
Ieva Grauslys recently posted…Quick and Easy No-bake Cookies
ahhhh Ive always called it being a NINJA.
Others have told me it is GHOSTING (I dont think thats right though?).
But Im you.
CARLA recently posted…Get into character for a healthy Halloween.
Hahaha! I love that you write down what your friends say in notes.
I do bite into every chocolate. Nine times out of ten I’m eating the whole thing though 😉
LOL. I laughed so hard and yes – *whispers* – I’m a serial chocolate biter. Don’t tell anyone!
Jackie recently posted…Learn How To Set Goals And Stick To Them
hehe this made me chuckle. we are in the UK but my boss brings us Sees candies when he visits and I’d love to bite into them all to find the best ones! I always get stuck with something im not keen on haha! it would be rude to pop them back in tho and keep biting haha. and love the flow diagram – it really does depend what party/event haha!
found you on the fb group – sybl 🙂
I do try to say goodbye most times–but there are times when I can’t find or see the host/hostess and just sneak out. I generally call them the next day to say what a lovely time I had–truthful or not. As for a box of candy—-take a bite out of each one–never–I eat them all!!
Michele recently posted…Book Review-Love Notes in the Key of Sea-Anna Celeste Burke
I always say goodbye at parties because my mom was super strict about that when I was growing up. She definitely succeeded in instilling that habit in me!
Nellwyn recently posted…Where to Find FREE Stock Photos
Love this post!
No I don’t bite all the chocolates unless they are Ferrero Rocher’s and that’s only so no one else will eat them. I tell everyone the mice got into them (stands tall and smiles devishly)
I am an Irish exiter. I’m an introvert and prefer not to make a scene of leaving regardless of where I am or what the occasion is.
My secret: When I was 8 I told my teacher I had a twin sister that my parents kept in the attic (I don’t have a sister) And I have no clue why I told her that. But she got concerned and called my parents and boy did I get into trouble!
Oh I don’t particularly like long good byes either, but would never leave a party without saying thank you or leaving a note on the kitchen counter of something……There are ways to leave a party without “not saying anything!”
I love your chocolate confession!!! everything has one bite but the nut ones those are well gone because I ate them! lol
My notepad = oh man, it is FULLLLLLLLLLL of the most random things ever. And lots of letters have been written in there too. When I get pissed off, I tend to write my feelings down in Notepad, which helps. I write them in the style of letters. But those letters never go anywhere. Ha! I think I have some dating back to 2013!
GiGi Eats recently posted…Munching The Med: Part One (from Athens to Santorini)
Haha I love your chocolate story. I might just start doing that too! I’ve ducked out of parties once or twice, glad to know I’m not alone!
I love this! I always bite into the chocolates to find out the filling! And if I don’t like it, I put it back as well! Haha
I am a quiet party exiter!
A secret: I go to the restroom at work when I need a time out!
Chrissy recently posted…How I Feel In 5 Words.
No shame in eating the box of candy. I totally get it. The halloween candy in our house is taunting me daily!
I like your confessions! Sometimes that kind of party exit is the easiest option. The “Suffix Scavenger Hunt” was a clever idea.
Totally an Irish goodbye sort of person. You are right–goodbyes suck!
This is hilarious (I totally have notes of the rude and incriminating things my boyfriend says to me stored in my notes)! I love your writing style. And well thanks for getting Usher stuck in my head.
Hahaha, yes. Every time I sit down to write my confessions post, Usher sings to me in my mind!
Once a time a go sure I would say bye to everyone NOW since I’m a mom and the wife I have round the 4 kids AND the husband to leave and the only people that get a bye are the ones that happen to be blocking the exist! lol..
Ellie Augustin recently posted…Season of Gratitude : 31 ways to Show it
I love the idea of confessions! Those chocolates look delicious. How did you resist not eating all of them? Also, I wish I could do the Irish goodbye because I am so awkward at good-byes! Well, and hellos.
I do my confessions on Friday! I love confession time! I like to poke the chocolate to see what each one is.
I don’t bite into chocolates. I try to press my index finger in the middle of a chocolate though. If it is hard, then chances are, there are nuts in it, so I eat it! Haha.
Um, this is a GREAT trick. My husband will be greatly appreciative of this (if this works and I’m doing it right, haha)
I had a ball reading this post! I don’t bite into the chocolates, because I enjoy the surprise. Although I feel bad when I get something I really like because I would prefer it to be the last one I ate.
Carol Cassara recently posted…If we wait until we’re ready…
I love this weekly post idea! So fun 🙂
alexandra @ my urban family recently posted…The Best Pumpkin Carving Ideas
I love the Scavenger hunt idea. As a homeschool mom, I understand the need to want the kids out of the house so that I can collect my thoughts. You seem to have a passion for the little ones. Thank you!
zim recently posted…Fun toys that teach phonics to preschoolers
I don’t like chocolate nearly enough to bite through so many :/ I most definitely am an Irish exitter!! Or…at least I would be…if my family and friends would let me. Sigh.
Biting into the chocolate —. I do that too.
If I don’t like it (don’t want to admit it – but since this is a confession column) it gets thrown into the garbage …. why take in extra calories when Im not enjoying it. Putting it back in the box – NO NO – thats rude for the next person who goes into the box.
Loved your Scavanger hunt idea:):)
Haha! I love the honesty! I’m guilty of biting into chocolates until I find one I love as well. It drives the husband nuts LOL
That’s such a fun post! Good job on keeping the others busy. I don’t bite on the chocolates, my kids do, lol! But it’s an advantage for me since I already know what’s inside.
I am astonished the chocolates were there in the refrigerator after a week. if they had been in mine, their chances of survival beyond a couple of hours would have been bleak.
I love any type of chocolate. It is my vice… and yes when I have a box of chocolates I bite into each of them to find out their flavor.
Carrie recently posted…Awesome Tools to Get Smart About Blogging
I’m a mild Irish exiter. I’ll project “bye y’all”, as I am waving, and making my exit. Usually it’s because I’m rushing to an Uber and when I’m tired, I’m tired lol. And hey, I used to have a classroom and I understand needing some space sometime.
I like to use the little chocolate legend that tells me which ones are which. And then I steal all the ones I like. 😉
Shani | Sunshine & Munchkins recently posted…Crock Pot Pork Roast
What a great ideas for weekly. I bet this is fun and So glad that you share this with us
Okay, I love your idea for taking quotes from your friends and recording them in your notes! That’s fantastic!