Good morning from a tired mama.
Here’s the latest sleep dilemma. Ishu wants to be ON MY BODY while sleeping. Which I’d normally be fine with but then, eventually, my body goes numb. So then I gently push him off and then he wakes up crying. Repeat 8 times over the course of the night.
I tried to sleep in the other room last night to ‘reset’ our situation. But I couldn’t do it. I tossed and turned ’til 1am and then went back to the family bed. I’ve gotten a little too dependent on sleeping with my fam. Ha.
My next strategy was to get him real freakin’ tired. And that helped a bit. Fewer wake-ups. We went to the park across the river and he played for 3 straight hours. Water play and climbing play structures makes for one tired kid.
It’s just so funny to me because everyone’s always commenting on how independent this kid is and, in my head, I’m like, “Yeah, you should see him at night.” He gets pissed if I turn my back to him. If I’m still physically there, but he can’t see my face? Game over.
I guess you can’t fault a kid for being so dependent on us for sleep.
Clearly, based on me attempting (and failing) to sleep alone two nights in a row, I am a little dependent on him for sleep too. Ha.
We will be co-sleeping ’til this kid goes to college.
Haha. Co sleeping till he goes to college.