The problem with going a few days without blogging is that when I finally sit down to blog, I have SO much to write about that it becomes overwhelming and then I walk away from the computer for a few more days. Anyone else have this problem?
Anyway, moving on.
San Antonio was GREAT. Not only did I get to see my family, but I also got to attend one of the largest professional development conventions for special educators. The CEC convention gave me the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, attend seminars and demonstrations, and overall grow as an educator. There were moments when I felt a bit discouraged because I wanted to be at everything, do everything, talk to everyone.
But now I know what a typical CEC convention looks like. So next year, when I attend the convention again (2014 will be in Philly!), I will know what to expect and be able to plan accordingly.
I won’t go into detail about the seminars I attended – that would take ages. I will, most likely, blog about them throughout the year as I use the things I learned.
I am just happy to have had the experience and to return with a refreshed, more mentally-renewed mindset.
I heard next year is in Philadelphia, or did I get that wrong? I was excited for just a quick train ride from NYC. I appreciate that they go back and forth between east and west coast each year. I had a phenomenal experience in Boston a few years back and can’t wait to go back. Glad you enjoyed it as well.
Oh my gosh you’re right! Hahaha. I always get them mixed up!