I’ve been feeling a little all over the place when it comes to my blog posts. I used to blog about my day-to-day and then I attempted to narrow my niche so that this was more of an education-specific blog. (See: Previous 10 Special Ed-related posts).
But there are days when I just want to ramble my guts out on here. I know, I know. I can keep a private journal where I talk about the more trivial moments of my day. The world doesn’t need to hear what I ate for lunch. The world doesn’t care that I’ve joined Weight Watchers more times than I can remember.
Still, part of me likes this forum to talk about my life outside of the classroom. (Especially now that I don’t have a classroom to talk about). I started this blog because I wanted to have a place to store my pictures, my thoughts, and my adventures. I didn’t start it to build an audience. And I didn’t start it to make money.
I did it because I wanted to leave a “paper trail” of my life. In hopes that, some day, far into the future, I could look back at my adventures and remember all the beautiful moments I lived.
So I’m taking it back to my roots.
Some days, you may get deep, insightful writing.
And some days you might get stuck with word-vomit.
I hope you find it entertaining enough to stick around.
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, BlogLovin, and Snapchat (@eatteachblog).
Questions of the Day:
- Do you prefer when blogs have a specific niche or does it not matter to you?
- Will you stick around and be my friend still?
When you start feeling stifled by your own blog, it’s definitely time to make some changes! Good for you for recognizing that!
Kristin Cook recently posted…The Most Embarrasing Stories Ever
I personally prefer blogs that are original and quirky no matter the niche. Bloggers that do not hold back just to be liked by everyone. People who speak up even if doesn’t make sense to the world. And, yes friends for ever <3 keep up the good work. xoxo, Chelf
Chelf recently posted…Pro Wrestling | 5 Questions with a Pro-Wrestler and why You should Give it a Go
I love your blog, it so real life and yes, I’ll stick around, new friend! The niche does not matter at all to me.
I’ll stick around and be your friend even when you “ramble!” The rambling makes you more relatable 😊
I like real life, so I don’t mind blogs without a specific niche! Mine kind of varies a bit too! I will certainly stick around:)
Hey, I like the “real” everyday posts of bloggers to get an insight into their personality! I think I may have to do that more as well.
Sarah Jean Althouse recently posted…DIY Charcoal Mask to Deep Clean Your Pores
I started my blog just because and on a whim. As I continue the journey, it has become my passion, and now, my plan is to make my passion my career!
A blog is a lot of work and you have to love the experience if you are going to keep with it! Blog “professionals” love to come up with hard and fast rules for success, but everyone has their own path. Glad you are sticking to your day-to-day posts 🙂
I will absolutely stick around! Of course I don’t disagree with you at all on this matter, it’s YOUR blog, do it your way! 🙂
I say go for it – go for those roots and do whatever makes you feel happy and fulfilled. It’s easy to get off the path with all the noise!
“I did it because I wanted to leave a “paper trail” of my life. In hopes that, some day, far into the future, I could look back at my adventures and remember all the beautiful moments I lived.”
This is perfect. Always take it back to your “why”.
It is actually a great way to let out your feelings and your innermost deep thoughts because you never know that someone must be feeling the same as you and your words might just encourage them!
I think a niche is good but so is just the day in the life of someone. Interesting, intriguing stories can catch a lot of eyes.
Kristina Paché ferency recently posted…WHITE CHIP CHOCOLATE PECAN COOKIES
I told you! The world of personal bloggers is huge and they are making money as well Divya. The truth that the “blogging courses” don’t tell you is it’s more about your audience than your niche. I know personal bloggers with thousands of followers. Even those who are niched down have a broad range of topics. There is no right or wrong way.
heidi recently posted…Unusual Money Making Micro Jobs For Bloggers To Fatten Their Wallets
Thanks for being my words of wisdom through all this <3
I like blogs that are all over the place. Write about what makes you happy! Personally, I’d be less inclined to read if you only wrote about teaching. I definitely don’t mind when it’s sprinkled in with life stories and travel recaps and the like, though!
Audrey recently posted…Add It To My (Media) List
I’m feeling the same way. Although I am very new to blogging, I hate feeling like I have to find a niche and stay there. I have so many things I want to write about it can’t all fit under just one category! Keep going, I’ll read your stuff!
Lauren recently posted…Why Yoga?
I’m feeling the same way. Although I am very new to blogging, I hate feeling like I have to find a niche and stay there. I have so many things I want to write about it can’t all fit under just one category!
Lauren recently posted…Why Yoga?
I love the idea of going back to your roots. And this is a great way to express your ideas. -Jocelyne from resonatecreations.com
Having a targeted niche is right for the blog, but first that niche is something that you are passionate with. Your blog looks good, just keep on writing regularly 🙂
I can totally relate to what you feel. Even I started my blog bcz I am not very vocal otherwise. And just like you, I am a teacher too 😉
<3 I love teachers! (Of course, I'm biased.)
I think if the person is interesting and engaging than the niche doesn’t matter as much. PS I’m definitely going to stick around.
Awwww..this is definitely from a very honest place. I think you can write whatever you like as long as it is readable and feel like sharing..and yes there’ll always be someone to read…it’s is fine to stretch when you feel like it
Phaytea recently posted…A to Z Challenge 2017: Theme Reveal
Your blog is your space to publish what is authentic to you. Having a narrow niche fits some people perfectly because they can focus and be successful in that area. For others it is too limiting for them to express themselves in a way that feels natural and unforced. All the best with your blog.
Razena | Tantalisemytastebuds.com recently posted…Greek yogurt and Granola breakfast bowl
Ultimately, it’s your blog and it should be you who decide in what direction it should go. A lot of bloggers just think about how to monetize, without either helping people or having fun with their blog.
I think blogging takes up so much of your spare time, that it should bring you happiness. It should not become a chore! Your blog is called eat, teach and blog….you can pretty much post anything under that title. I will most definitely still be around 🙂
According to Jeff Goins, a writer should have a mission, not a niche. That way, you can write about whatever you want and still stay true to yourself.
I can relate. I started my food blog as a way to save my recipes in an orderly way, not really to share with others. Here I am years later, studying SEO and social engagement. Sometimes I just want to toss it all out the window! Blog for you first, audience second.
christine recently posted…Buffalo Chicken Meatballs in the Instant Pot
Of course I will stick around Divya! I enjoy reading your blog. It’s very human. Humans usually like other humans LOL! So keep doing what you do!
i completely agree – i’ve had people tell me to make my niche so small that i’m literally just posting pics of blondes – well i do all kinds of hair & that’s what i love about my job – so as far as i’m concerned the hair niche is focused enough for me!
(Just a side note – I stalk your work on Instagram and I love what you do. Can you come move in with me please so you can make me look beautiful every day?!)
Of course I will be your friend still. Love your cute blog. I prefer blogs that talk about lots of different things
This is my second blog now, as I ditched the first one. I find the blogging community to be very supportive no matter what you write about x It’s always nice to have a niche, so your readers can expect something. But even if you don’t, it’s your blog, not theirs!
Of course I’ll stick around! I blog the same way! Some days I have how to posts but other times it’s just about my life. I prefer life posts anyway. I’m nosy. I want to know what people are doing.
Amber Myers recently posted…Say Goodbye To Bottled Water With ZeroWater–Plus Giveaway!
Bahaha, maybe that’s why I like reading your blog so much. It’s about a variety of things! You’re also such a great storyteller and keep things so engaging! <3
Funny you mentioned this because I was just thinking of narrowing my niche for my giveaways. I will always cover design because it’s where my education and professional experience lies. But I do want to offer value for my readers, I understand what you mean here.
Jacqueline recently posted…5 Mistakes To Avoid When Becoming A Fashion Designer
Well, I must say, you are not alone! I feel like I’m doing it all wrong, lol! But in all actuality I started blogging for the exact same reasons as you! I felt like I had some stories and information that maybe people would want to hear, and like you said….a place to keep them and view them down the road as well. I put a menu in my blog. I have a few different things I write about…then I have a heading for just “Everyday Living” where I can put the blah blah stuff, lol.
Nobody knows what our futures hold. But I do know this…you will never succeed if you don’t try. So here’s to you! Cheers and good luck!!
I like the idea of changing my menu so it reflects the general categories of what I’m talking about and then an “Everyday Living” category for the other fluff. Thanks for the advice – I may take a page out of your book! <3
As far as I’m concerned, what you are describing is one of the best kinds of blogs! Put it out there, girl! We’ll read it!
Yay for word vomit! Variety is the spice of life! 😉
Danielle recently posted…Girl Mom Box Swap Reveal
Divya, I can relate with you for REAL! I’m trying to narrow down my niche but it’s so hard because I just want to be free to write and express myself. HOWEVER, as for the blogs that I consistently follow? They tend to be niched-down or else I wouldn’t remember them the next day! I read so many throughout the day that something has to be specific and memorable for me to come back to it.
I think that it’s so important to stay true to who you are and what you want to write about on your blog!
Rose recently posted…Pantone Spring 2017: Niagara Inspiration
I love it! Word vomit is the best! I’ve been blogging for about a year now and feel like I got sucked into the whole “do-this-to-make-thousands-of-dollars-with-your-blog” thing. That was never my intention. I wanted to connect with other caregivers, share my story, share the ups and the downs, the good and the bad, the joyful and the downright frustrating part of caregiving. My goal was, and still is, to help myself and other caregivers feel less isolated.
So, I say bring on the word-vomit! =)
I maintain niche-specific blogs but I do have one that is a modge podge of everyday musings. I keep that blog to maintain my sanity. I always enjoy reading your blog posts. It is entertaining and educational and everything in between. 🙂
I like the idea of having two blog posts so I can compartmentalize. But then again, I’ve never been good at compartmentalizing. Even when it comes to work things, I tend to mix my own personal stuff in there. (e.g. giving parents I work with my cell phone number). I just like my whole life to be one big party, I suppose.
I do not really blog about my day to day, but I have been told I should narrow my nitche. I did like you and I tried… It was a cluster f**k. I felt like my blog was not mine anymore. I am happy that you are going to start blogging about your day again.
Shakirah Iman recently posted…Beyond the Tiger Mom: East-West Parenting for the Global Age a Book Review
I think the most important thing about blogging is to make sure you enjoy it. As long as you’re getting something out of it and being authentic, that is all the matters.
I’ll still be your friend! It’s important to stay true to your roots. Your blog should serve you, not the other way around.
My favorite blogs are where they are just themselves and share their everyday life with you.
I started my blog back in the high school days to be used as exactly that – a sort of journal to vent (there was some cringe worthy stuff published for the world to see. Shudder.) . Since gaining popularity, I’ve moved towards the beauty blogger niche, but that’s purely because my need for journaling decreased, and my love for make-up increased. Do you, girl! It’s your space on the internet, write whatever you feel. 🙂
Christie’s Take on Life. x
Oh gosh, yes. I used to have one of those. A LiveJournal. I can’t seem to find where it went, if it was public/private, or if it’s google-able. I haven’t been able to find it. Let’s just hope it stays that way!
I loved the whole leaving a paper trail of life so you could look back on. I love blogs when people are themselves and they are true to their voice.
I really enjoy reading blogs that are original. It doesn’t have to be niche specific with me.
Tasheena @ SimplyTasheena.com recently posted…Healthy Grab-and-Go Snacks
I think adding different topics to your blog makes it more personal. Nothing wrong with that. It’s yours!
These are exactly the same reasons why I start blogging. Just keep on doing what you love and what you believe in!
The thing with blogging is – in my opinion – you should do it for the love of it.
Write whatever you want because I truly believe someone wants to read it.
When you said no one wants to hear how many times you’ve joined weight watchers, I thought.. ahh yes they do! It gives people comfort they aren’t alone!
Some of my best writing is when I don’t think so much about it… When I’m laying in bed and an idea or thought got into my head and I just had to write it down!!
Good luck, you’ve got this!!
xx Angela
Angela recently posted…My March Playlist – Songs To Play At The Kitchen Table
It’s true! I think the minute I felt as though I didn’t HAVE to post about education, it suddenly got my creative juices flowing again.
I get how you feel girl! In fact, just by reading this post, I decided to start my own personal blog where I talk about everything under the sun! I have days where I need to walk away from my niche blog, document lessons learned, or write about an idea I have. The key is to define the kind of blogger that you are, and run with that.
I’d love to follow you there and follow your journey! 🙂
I always love your posts. And I think getting back to your roots in writing is essential. You just have to do it. If you aren’t doing this for you, you will give up over time and quit. I’m enjoying the writing.
And I’m enjoying yours! (Still waiting on your daughter to guest blog for you though! 😉 )
My kind of way of blogging as you know! Love and love to get to know you better through more personal posts! xxx
Chrissy recently posted…Being Real And Honest To Myself Today.
I like blogs for the people behind them and enjoy some off the cuff stuff sometimes! Looking forward to reading about your new adventures.
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Crock Pot Vegetarian Black Bean Enchilada Stack
I totally support this. You do YOU!
I have “considered” a niche blog, but honestly, I just want to ramble on about anything and everything, so I’ll just keep doing that 🙂
San recently posted…What I read in March
OOOOO boy.
Loved reading this particular ‘back to blogging roots” post and also read all your followers’ comments.
You truly are a Champ writer my dear. Your words, your sentences, your thoughts just FLOW……..
God Bless you…
I write for myself….if people find my blog,awesome. I write whatever is on my heart but I do try not to sling dirt or politics on it. And yes,the cheetah and I are still loving your blog!
I love writing what I want and not having to commit to one thing and not the other. So I say do you and do it well!
Ahhhhhhh the blogging world definitely pushes you to choose a niche that’s for sure! That’s why I’m a lifestyle blogger. But even with lifestyle I’m kinda forced to focus on only a hand full of things…. there is no winning with the niche thing if your want to make money lol
This is perfect! Exactly what blogging is about, just a journal online. It’s hard to find a single blog that simply documents adventures! Now it’s all about money, success and stress. Not my cup of tea. I know of a successful blog that has no real niche and it’s an awesome blog that the blogger behind it is making an actual living from! And she started out just sharing her life, and found that even the mundane things were exciting to others.
All the best!
Good for you! I am super excited about the decision you are making. I like how you said it is like a “Paper trail.” I feel very similar. I want my kids to know me through my writing. Writing sets me free!
As for my niche, well I am in the personal development niche. I like to focus on relationships. Particularly like to write about mental illness and such.
I look forward to seeing what you produce!