This little guy is one month old today and he fills our every waking (and sleeping) moment with baby breaths and poopy grunts and sleepy sighs.
He’s grown so much in just the last week and has figured out small ways to communicate with us. He kicks his feet out when papa pulls the bottle from his mouth to demand we give him more milk. He tries to throw his head back when he doesn’t want to be burped anymore. He sticks his tongue out over and over when he’s telling us he wants the pacifier in his mouth.
He loves white noise and likes hanging out on his diaper changing pad. Car rides and walks in his stroller put him right to sleep. He likes being soothed by his papa. He loves it when his Babaji sings to him and loves cuddling with his Dadi. He’s looking forward to meeting his Nani and Nanu real soon!
He likes being swaddled but only if he can sneak one arm out of the blanket. He sleeps in his bassinet all by himself until the early morning when mama just wants to snuggle him and pulls him into the bed with her.
His eyes and sunshine eyelashes are just like his papas. His chin and cheeks just like mama. He’s got the most expressive hands and toes and eyebrows.
He’s started to discover his voice and it’s quite possibly the most entertaining thing to watch. I never get tired of staring at him. And the best part is I don’t have to stop.
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