Today, my baby, you are two months old. Well, a little older than two months. But you’ve been keeping us quite busy so I haven’t had the chance to sit down and write this.
Even though you are only 2 months old, you have already lived in three places. You lived in your Dadi and Babaji’s home for a month, your Nanu and Nani’s home for three weeks, and now we have moved into an apartment in Moreno Valley for the year. Wherever we have gone, there have been so many people who are ready to love on you. So many hands that want to hold you and squeeze you. You are so loved by so many people. It’s almost comical to see. Four grown adults crowded around tiny, baby you. All making silly faces and baby noises and talking and talking to you so, so much.

You have brightened up all these homes while you’ve been in them. And your mommy and daddy are so excited for the memories we’re going to build in our small apartment together. It is here where you will likely learn to crawl, to say your first words, to eat your first banana!
But, we’re enjoying right *now* with you. So much. You have become so much more alert. Your eyes so wide open. Your tall, long body fitting into 3-month clothes already!

You LOVE your playmat that we left at your Nani and Nanu’s home. You kick and kick and kick so hard, listening to the music and watching the animals hanging above your head. Your mama constantly has those songs running through her brain all the time. “The animals play, the animals play, the animals play all dayyyyyy!”
We recently got you a sit-me-up seat and, even though you’re still a little too small for it, I can already tell that you will love sitting in it, watching the world around you.

You’ve discovered your left hand and when your mouth isn’t occupied by your pacifier, you have figured out how to wiggle your thumb into your mouth. Fortunately, you don’t have the skills or strength to keep your hand in your mouth for long enough so we don’t have a thumb sucker on our hands (yet!).
You love it when you poop. The minute we hear that diaper fill up, you look so relieved and a few seconds later, we get to see all those beautiful smiles.

Your smile is my absolute favorite. I never get tired of seeing it and I always try to make high-pitched noises and silly, goofy faces just to see YOU smile.
You love talking to your papa. When he finishes feeding you, he leans you back slightly, brushes your [growing!] hair out of your face, and talks to you so sweetly. And you talk back. SO much. You and your papa have the best conversations.

You also seem to love tummy time. You’re at your chattiest when you’re doing tummy time (or on your diaper changing pad). But my FAVORITE is when I am sitting next to you while you’re laying in the Dock-a-Tot and I start talking to you. You stare up at me with big, big eyes. You freeze and stop sucking on your pacifier and let it fall from your mouth. And you respond to me with an “ooh” or an “aah” and then we keep going back and forth. It’s my absolute favorite thing talking to you and I never want it to stop.

It’s true what they say. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” You have occupied the hearts of so many. Sometimes I just stare at you and I can’t believe you are ours forever. I feel like the luckiest mama in the world.
OMG what a cute write up on the cutest baby in the world.
We are so grateful to God that Ishaan Divya and Ankur are finally here in
So Cal after being away for 4 years.
Looking forward to spending this year with our new toy DivyAnkur have
gifted to all the family.
Love and Blessings bachho!