My dearest little specimen (as your Nanu likes to call you),
I don’t understand how another month has flown by. You are now three months old. You are no longer our newborn baby; you’ve officially graduated to “infant.”

And, if I didn’t know that because of your age, I’d know that because you’ve completely outgrown your newborn clothes. Heck, you barely fit into three months old clothes right now. You’re a LONG baby and I can already tell you’re going to be so, so tall.

This month has been such a highlight for your mama because she gets to have such undivided, 1:1 time with you right now.
Yes, we’ll make our occasional trip to Orange County so you can see your Nani, Nanu, and Bade Nani. But, mostly, you’re home with your mama and you’re teaching her – daily – how to do this whole mom thing.
This month, we’ve seen you change so much. You’ve learned so many new skills and you’re constantly babbling, talking to anyone and anything that will listen. It’s especially fun for you when you’re laying flat on your back because the saliva accumulates in the back of your mouth and you can make a “gggggggg” sound. When we make the sound back to you, you kick your legs and your face breaks out into that big, beautiful smile that melts my heart.

We recently bought you a floatie that goes around your neck. Bath time has become so much fun! You’re still a little hesitant when we place you into the tub, but after a few minutes, you’re at peace in the water.
You love talking to your friend in the mirror and you flash him that beautiful smile when you get to see him up close.

Books make you so happy. Brown Bear is your absolute favorite. When we start reading to you, your eyes get big. Your legs start kicking so hard. Your hands fly around in the air. And you let out baby squeals. Sometimes you look like an upside down roly-poly that’s trying to turn itself over and it’s the cutest thing ever.

This month, you got to meet your Aishu Didi and Masi and Masu. You love being a part of the JAVI crew and it makes you so happy to FaceTime all your cousins. But, after a while, you get mad at Mama when the phone’s been in your face for too long. And you make sure she knows this by screaming real loud until the phone’s put away.

You’re getting stronger and stronger every day. You always want to be held so that you’re standing on your feet and not your butt. And you break free of your swaddle all the flippin’ time. Mama and Papa have invested in a sleep sack because, even though you’re not quite a newborn anymore, your hands have a way of waking you up.

Speaking of your hands, you absolutely love them. At first it was just one finger in the mouth, but somehow you’ve managed to shove four fingers in there at a time. Drool everywhere. On your face. In your ear. In Mama’s hair. Everywhere.
Ishu – the world is a little crazy and unusual right now. We are all staying safe at home because of the coronavirus. It’s not quite how I imagined this time to be. I wanted us to travel and visit with friends and family and see so many places together. But, right now, we’re confined to our teeny 2-bedroom apartment with the occasional trip to Nanu and Nani’s house.
Still, even though it’s not what I envisioned, I know how blessed I am to have this time with you. Our day consists of feedings, playing on the playmat, sitting in our swing, singing songs, napping, and eagerly waiting for Papa to get home.

I love you with every piece of me. Thank you for letting me be your mama. It’s the best thing I’ve ever gotten to do.
Related Posts:
Baby M: Two Months
Baby M: One Month
Thank you Divya for giving us the best gift of our life.
Thanks also for making those occasional trips to Nanu Nani’s home and giving us the best time with our “Sun”.
Love you all.
Congratulations, Divya! What a marvellous baby you have. Wishing you all happiness.
Thank you, Kit! So nice to see your name pop up in my inbox!! Hope you’re doing well!!