You’ve officially been outside of me as long as you were inside of me. Kinda. You took your sweet ol’ time making your way earthside. And, as much as mama misses having you all to herself – feeling your little kicks and jabs in her belly – she much prefers having you here.
The last nine months have been filled with so many new experiences. Around the time you started crawling last month, you also started pulling yourself up using anything and everything that could help support you. You cruise along the couch so fast. Especially when there’s some food waiting for you on the other end of it. We are told that your papa started walking on his first birthday. We’re pretty sure you’re going to start walking even before then because you have PLACES TO GO, BOOKS TO READ, FOOD TO EAT.
Despite the fact that we turned our entire living room into your play area, it’s your least favorite room. Why would you prefer that room when there is a whole 2-bedroom apartment to explore?!
You’ve become an expert at crawling over all the pillows and blankets meant to block your way. You start crawling toward the kitchen and then stop, turn around, and make sure someone is following you. You love being chased and, when we stand up and pretend we’re running after you, you squeal and your little itty-bitty body turns back around and crawls as fast, fast, fast as you can.
You’ve started to understand words. You know what we mean when we say “books,” “dudu” (milk in Hindi), “more,” “mama,” “papa,” and “baby shark” (you might not know what a shark is, but you definitely start looking for your baby shark stuffed animal).
You’re blowing us away with how quickly you learn things. Just the other day, Mama was sitting next to you reading your Disney board books. On these mini books, there is a picture on one page and a word on the other. Each book consists of five words and five corresponding pictures.
When Mama reads them to you, you try and repeat the words that start with the letter “b.” One book, for example, contains the words “balloons,” “rattle,” “ball,” “kite,” and “blocks.” Every time Mama reads “balloons” or “ball” or “blocks,” you say the sound /b/. And you stay silent and turn the page when she reads “rattle” or “kite.” We know that /b/ is one of the only sounds you know, but MY GOSH, how do you already HEAR the phoneme like that?! Mama thought it was just a fluke, but you keep doing it with all the other books and it’s blowing. her. dang. mind.
She thinks you’re a genius. But then you also do things like try to stick your hand in the toilet and you remind her that you are very much just a baby. Mama’s baby.
Mama’s sweet, sweet baby. You are growing into such a fun little human with a huge, HUGE personality. And you have me feeling a whole new type of love I’ve never experienced before.
I love you forever and always.
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Good Wishes From TRIPLOU.