Good morning and happy (almost!) weekend to many of you who get Good Friday off! I just found out that the entire university shuts down on Friday so I won’t be working. Which makes ME a very happy camper. (And that’s not just the coffee talking).
I will be adventuring and offline for most of the weekend, but before I completely unplug, I wanted to share what’s been going on around here as of late.
I always enjoy reading your responses to some of these questions in the comments section so feel free to chime in below!
Lately I’ve Been…
Another Blue Apron shipment arrived at our doorstep this past weekend. We’ve taken a break for the past few months but I jumped back on board when I saw the three meals that were in this box. A few days ago, we made the Kung Pao broccoli. The picture doesn’t do it justice. But trust me when I say it was d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s. Click here to sign up for Blue Apron today!
Since I started working at the university, I’ve been frequenting the “Starbucks” on campus more than I’d like to admit. It’s not an actual Starbucks but it does serve Starbucks coffee. And, at this point, I’ll take anything I can get.
I just downloaded this book on Audible and I am excited to get started. It’s a fictional story about two slaves who try to escape their Georgia plantations by following the Underground Railroad. It was recently nominated for a Pulitzer prize and I’ve heard great reviews.
At my computers. All day long. I never realized the kind of strain it could put on your eyes (and your body!) to look at spreadsheets and software all day. Any tips on how to avoid the end-of-day headache that comes along with staring at screens?
Again with the Bananagrams. This past weekend was a “test weekend.” So all the medical students were cramming for their exams on Monday. Which meant that all the medical student spouses met up at the coffee shop and played Bananagrams. You would think I’d tire of the game. But, surprisingly, my love has grown deeper.
I recently started listening to The Daily podcast. It’s hosted by Michael Barbaro from the New York Times. Less than 20 minutes a day, five days a week, and it’s in my feed before I wake up in the morning. It’s a good start to the day and gives you a general pulse of what’s going on in the world.
IT FEELS LIKE SPRING! It’s been in the 70s all week long so I’m putting away my coats and bringing out the dresses. The polka dot dress has already made an appearance multiple times over the past two weeks. (It’s my favorite because it has pockets. You can find it here – in multiple colors – on Amazon).
Guys. I finished it. I’m all caught up. And I’m playing the waiting game until July – just like everyone else. I’ll save my thoughts on all the different story lines for another blog post. BUT, I just want to say that if you think Game of Thrones is “not your type of show,” I ask that you reconsider. Because, for six seasons, I’ve said, “No thanks. Not my jam. Can’t stand blood.” And I was SO. WRONG. I’m blown away by the depth of each story, the plot twists, and the production. You need to watch it.
Over the past few months, I’ve been following Robin’s blog, Feather and Flint, and I’m always so captivated by her writing. Her most recent post is here. I recommend you read it.
I’ve been feeling a little all over the place emotionally. Being out of the classroom is surprisingly harder than I thought it would be. But I appreciate all the sweet messages and comments I’ve been receiving from you all. Yes, I’ll be back. It’s where my heart belongs.
We’ve been receiving a lot of love lately! In the form of fun packages from family and cocktail club subscriptions! Thanks so much J-Mid (you’ll always and forever be J-Mid to me!) for the fun surprise in my inbox this week! <3
This guy. Our one year anniversary is just around the corner and my love for him has doubled, tripled, quadrupled each day since we were married. They say medical school can be a strain on your marriage. I think this journey has made our relationship even stronger.
Questions of the Day:
- What have you been eating lately? Cooking lately? Craving lately? Opening lately?
I feel you on the eye strain, I stare at computer screens all day long too. That cocktail club sounds fun, what a great gift idea!!
Beth recently posted…Thinking Out Loud – Kindness Challenge
For about $20 on Amazon you can find bluelight glasses (or something like that) that lessen the strain on your eyes from looking at computers. I haven’t tried them yet, but I’ve heard good things!
That chicken looks delicious! I live in a smaller Ohio town and we don’t have a Starbucks (yet!) so I usually get their coffee in the store to brew myself at home!
Have a great weekend! Enjoy your day off!
Audrey recently posted…Everything is Great
Love the dress! I really want to wear dresses but I am not sure I can pull it off. You can!
Kim Airhart recently posted…Confessions Of My Obsessions
My eyes aren’t too bad, but sitting at a desk all day really takes a toll on my back. I think for both issues, breaks are important if you can make it happen.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Show Us Your Books: Earn Free Books + More!
I am cooking up some Beef and Broccoli tonight for dinner! I can only imaging how much you miss the classroom and I am sure you are missed just as much! Yay for the first year and it bringing you guys closer! Love that!
Kim recently posted…Donate Life Month
I have the same problem at my computer station. It seems I can never find that perfect position to see the screen, type, notes etc. Come on Friday!
Tonya Wilhelm recently posted…Happy National Bookmobile Day: Wordless Wednesday Style
I am with you on the eye strain from staring at computers – between taking my college courses online, running an online business and blogging I feel like I’m constantly staring at a screen!
Britt |
Britt recently posted…Sweatshirts and Yoga Pants
OMG! I got excited when I saw Game of Thrones in the title of your post. I thought the new season had started and I missed the first episode…lol. I don’t have any podcasts outside of music in my feed so I may take a look at The Daily. Like you I feel like I’m always plugged into my computer/iPad etc. Taking a break is necessary that’s for sure. For every 20 minutes, I sit in front of a computer I get up and do 5 minutes of yoga!
Also, my optician told me for every 20 minutes of staring at a screen, look into the distance and blink 20 times. Myopia is on the rise in very young generations because when we look at screens we’re not blinking enough.
Jacqueline recently posted…How Can I Find Writers For My Digital Magazine?
We did blue apron once like 2 years ago. I really want to do it again!
I think you are convincing me to try Blue Apron. I also need to get into Bananagrams. That looks so fun. Hope you are having a great week!
I have been planning my wedding for this June. I finally found a dress. I know only 2 months left but I love simple white dresses with no lace or appliques. Happy I found one.
I don’t know it if there is any solid research behind it but my eyes definitely feel better on days when I’m not on the computer all day. We’re on our last few episodes of Game of Thrones now and we’ve been so impressed with the show.
Hope you enjoy an awesome long weekend!! I’m hoping to aim for some offline time too.
The eye strain can be a bit frustrating (plus the neck and back problems). I used to work in an office where you could download an alert the would come on your screen every 20 minute to remind you to have a stretch and eye break… could be worth checking out if there is something similar out there??
Dominique recently posted…Oscar Goes to Bed
This week I cooked 5 new recipes – 4 of them will be added to my recipe collection and 1 will go in the trash. I’m glad I’ve found time in my day to start cooking again!
Penny Struebig recently posted…Friday Favorites – April 14, 2017
That picture of the two of you is adorable! Happy anniversary (almost). Truly a special time!
I am interested in doing Blue Apron. I have heard a lot of good things about that. You certainly sound like you keep yourself busy. Have a great weekend!
Man! Starbucks can make ANY day better LOL….I wish I had that many screens for work. Would totally help make things go faster!…Have you tried doing sedentary exercises? I stretch my body out every 10 mins.
Divya my dear please try and follow advise from Jacqueline and Dominique… I’m sure it will
help give your eyes a break from the computer. Never heard of the automatic reminder to take your eyes off the computer to blink … see if you can program your desk computer to do that.
Love your polka dot dress. You will be getting a red one soonnnnn.
I am clicking on your blog to get Blue Apron for a couple of weeks.
Enjoy your long weekend with the quadrupled love of your life Ankur.
I’ve been cooking lots of spaghetti squash and reading plenty of psychologically thrillers (The Girl on the Train was AMAZING!). And going for a walk after a long day on the computer usually helps me!
Casey the College Celiac recently posted…The Domino Effect: Finding Purpose in Life’s Surprises
What a cute dress 🙂 and I feel you on the eye strain… I stare at computers all day too.
San recently posted…Weekend recap + some random thoughts
Any tips on how to avoid the end-of-day headache that comes along with staring at screens?
Take breaks. Lots of breaks. I know tha sounds counterproductive, but the truth it we must frequently take breaks or we will become slaves to these tools.
As for your post, I enjoyed getting to know you better. Thank you for that. 😀
Jim recently posted…Suffering in Silence
I’m getting my first Hello Fresh delivery (similar to Blue Apron) delivery today, and really excited to have some new meals to cook! I’ve been in a rut where that’s concerned but my bf and I have been spending way too much on takeout and this seemed like a healthier alternative.
I live on Dunkin’ and have no idea what I’d do without coffee in my life 🙂
That book sounds really interesting–I’ll have to look for it! And happy anniversary to you both 🙂 You guys are adorable <3 OH! And computer glasses (I like mine from Venn) have really helped immensely! XOXO
Charlotte recently posted…Scattered thoughts from a scattered mind