Good morning!
It’s officially snowing over here. All day.
It gives me a little thrill that winter has officially started over here and we’re boarding a plane this weekend to head on over to California.
I mean, we’ll be back with plenty of time to experience the Chicago winter. But any chance I can get to get outta here during these winter months, SIGN ME UP.
I never did blog about this past weekend. We didn’t have much going on this weekend. Actually, the minute we brought Ishu home from school, the two of us didn’t set foot outside the apartment until Monday morning.
On Friday, after school, Ishu’s class had a potluck. All the families showed up with food and treats. It was completely informal. All the adults tried to contort our huge bodies to fit at their little toddler tables and socialize with one another.
It was funny to watch how the toddlers were, at first, a bit timid. But after they each inhaled a cookie, THEY WERE ALL WILD.
Sugar hits different when you’re so teeny. Ha.
It was nice meeting some of the other parents. Even though Ishu was perfectly content sitting by the books all evening. At one point, he walked into the middle of the room and then walked right back and said, “There’s too many people in here.” He did manage to escape his corner for a bit to show us the fire alarm (his new obsession after the fire drill they had) and CousCous (his class fish).
On Saturday morning, we celebrated Halloween in the morning. And then my sweet friend, Fay, came over in the afternoon. She was in Chicago for a writer’s retreat and I was so happy we got to catch up over lunch! Ishu warmed up to her real quickly; I wish I snapped a picture of the three of us, but we were too busy chatting and then she had to leave for the airport. Whoops. FAY WE LOVE YOU!
In the evening, Bella and Tony came over for dinner and Ishu crawled into her lap and never left her side the entire time. Aside from when she went to the bathroom. And then he kept repeating, “Auntie Bella went pee-pee,” until she came back and then he crawled back into her lap. I LOVE THEIR LOVE SO MUCH.
On Sunday, I got some quality time with my book. It felt so nice, curled up in bed with the sun beating down on my face. The book was a page-turner. I wouldn’t say it was my FAVORITE suspense book by any means, but I love a book that makes me wanna stay in bed reading.
Ishu’s two favorite books right now are Corduroy and The Day The Crayons Quit. He really likes the page with the beige crayon because it’s funny to him that the crayon is naked. I mean, it’s pretty funny to me too.
Now we’re off to get this little guy ready for school. I made a little book for us to read each morning (and whenever we need it) about Ishu going to school. In hopes that it’ll help us on the hard mornings.
Have a good one 🙂
Love his book choices and that you wrote a social story for his morning routine ,social stories are what we sped teachers always use with our kids to decrease anxiety about transitioning to a new activity or to teach a behavior etc ,they are great for any kids . Reading a book about a problem or situation is and has always been my favorite way to help kids understand things . I love your blogs . You’re such a good mom .,
Love his book choices and that you wrote a social story for his morning routine ,social stories are what we sped teachers always use with our kids to decrease anxiety about transitioning to a new activity or to teach a behavior etc ,they are great for any kids . Reading a book about a problem or situation is and has always been my favorite way to help kids understand things . I love your blogs . You’re such a good mom .,