Ladies and Gents.
Please excuse my hiatus. I have been busy with professional development. And will, most likely, be busy with this lady all weekend.
Delighted does not even begin to describe how I am feeling to have my mom with me for the next couple of days. You don’t really realize how homesick you are until you get a little piece of home to remind you.
The minute I pulled in at the airport and saw her face, I started sobbing. Uncontrollably. I don’t even know why. There’s just something super fabulous about having your mom with you.
With that, I’m off. To go smell her some more.
Christine @ Oatmeal Bowl says
There is just something about mama. Enjoy the home cooked meals. 🙂
Christine @ Oatmeal Bowl recently posted…Pillsbury Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough! (Recipe & Giveaway)
Maureen says
Awww!!! Moms are the best!
Maureen recently posted…Finally Friday
Fay says
She is too cute! You are too cute! Mom time is the best 🙂
Lynsey says
Ladyyy!! My mom is coming to NY in October and I’m WAY too excited, I can’t wait to smell her! Hahah creepy huh <3
Julie B says
Oh, this is so sweet. Enjoy the weekend.