Dear Veer,
Today, you turn 4 years old. Where did the time go?
It seems like we just celebrated your 3rd birthday with the Minions.
So much has changed since then.
You’re in school all day long like a big boy.
You have playdates and best friends and favorite teachers.
You have catchphrases like, “Don’t forget the bacon!”
You are more opinionated and are able to express exactly what you want. Like salmon. Or pesto pasta.
You prefer vegetables over french fries. (Can you teach Divya Bua how to make healthy choices like you?)
But you’ve got a sweet tooth like your Mama and Papa and LOVE chocolate.
You can read. Oh boy, can you read. You just want to read ALL the things and it gives you so much joy when you do.
So much has changed this past year.
But, still, so much has remained the same.
You still get excited about waking up and starting the day. You still get exhilarated from running around and around and around in circles. You are still so fascinated about everything around you and you love discovering how things work. You love making Mama happy and you squeal when she kisses you all over. And you love watching your Papa, mimicking every move he makes – whether it be dancing or shaving, you are your Papa’s Mini-Me.
You still make my heart feel overwhelmed with love. And you make me fall more and more in love with you every single day.
You are my munchkin. My monkey. My best friend.
And I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for us.
I love you. Today. Tomorrow. Always.
Your DivBu
Hello my dear DivBu:
Such a lovely writeup on your fav nephew. Made Nanima and me teary eyed.
You covered it all beautifully by adding pictures.
God Bless you DivBu and our precious 4 year old Veer Inder Bajaj.
With Love and Blessings.
nanima and mama