I have done a few of these “year in review” posts and they’ve never been as difficult as this one seems to be.
The reason for that is that when you’ve got an infant turned toddler, SO MUCH HAPPENS.
I can’t possibly figure out how to narrow this past year down into a handful of milestones. Our crawling baby turned into a walking baby turned into a running and jumping and climbing toddler.
Our once babbling baby turned into a sentence-forming toddler that I can actually communicate with in so many ways.
When looking back at some of the pictures from January of this year, it feels like another lifetime.
So, this post will definitely not do justice when trying to explain how this family of ours has evolved over the last 12 months. But we’ll try. And, if anything, it’s an excuse to share the cutest pictures of Ishu.
January 2021
This sweet baby of ours turned 9 months old.
We had recently recovered from COVID.
I had a ‘come-to-Jesus’ moment where I realized that being a mom was doing the important work. Even if I didn’t have a paycheck or a professional growth plan.
We took many walks to Starbucks across the street from our apartment complex and I eventually had to be OK with an outward-facing baby.
Ishu fell in love with Llama Llama.
I realized I was a human bop-it to my child.
February 2021
Our baby turned 10 months old!
I openly shared about our bedsharing experience.
I wrote a love story in 270 words.
We drove up to northern California to visit the family and Ankur completed his last residency interview for the season.
We continued to make many trips back to Orange County to see the family since we knew our time being SO close to them was coming to an end.
March 2021
I got my first shot of the COVID vaccine!
Ankur matched at Northwestern for PM&R! A manifestation come true.
Ishu took his first steps!
I wrote a post on why I’m anti-sleep training for MY baby.
And I also shared Ishaan’s first word (or, I guess, lots of first words?!).
April 2021
Our baby turned a year old!
I shared Ishu’s birth story and processed my postpartum experience on the blog. I also celebrated one year of breastfeeding!
We had a big outdoor, COVID-friendly birthday party for Ishu and his Masi ordered him a Llama Llama smash cake!
I got my second COVID shot and loudly proclaimed that I was ready for some full body hugs.
I realized the value in car naps and why my mama would take them.
We spent a few minutes each afternoon staring out the window for Ishu’s Ba-Pa!
May 2021
TODDLER Ishu is 13 months old!
We celebrated our fifth anniversary.
We attended a family wedding in Orange County. It was so fun to see Ishu all dolled up and ready to dance.
We continued making trips home to see the family and enjoyed watching Jeopardy with Nani many of those nights.
We celebrated Ankur’s birthday. And I got to celebrate my 2nd mama’s day!
I turned down a job with Chicago Public Schools. I didn’t have anything lined up. No idea what the future would hold in terms of my professional life. But, now it’s seven months later and I AM SO GRATEFUL I bet on myself.
June 2021
I embraced my chubby cheeks.
I also embraced the night-time wakings. Because I continued to see the value in being responsive to your child.
Ishu had his first “restaurant” experience, sitting in a high chair!
We celebrated Ankur’s second Father’s Day.
Ishu went in the pool for the first time and loved it!
I celebrated my birthday with the best gift ever.
We officially became residents of Chicago!
July 2021
Ankur had his first day of work as a PGY-2 resident!
Our fam came to visit us for 4th of July weekend. And then more fam came to visit and help us move during our second week in Chicago!
Ishu got his first fever.
We discovered all the different parks and playgrounds that our city had to offer.
Ishu and I went to Popsicles in the Park – our first event as mama and baby. (Re-reading this post just now made me teary-eyed because this mama and I – and our sweet kids – have become friends over the past few months and I’m oh-so grateful for them!).
August 2021
We said goodbye to the dinosaur shoes.
My mama and papa came to visit us and helped us settle in some more.
We experienced our first Ducky Derby Day!
I was offered my now-job as a remote school psychologist and, again, I’m so thankful for this perfect role in this season of my life.
Ishu and I got to visit the public library for the first time and I fell in love with the endless number of board books! We also took advantage of the splash pad parks in the area and the Children’s Museum!
We tried (and failed) at daycare. And it ended up being the best blessing because we found Auntie Bella a few short weeks later and our lives are forever better as a result.
September 2021
I had my first day of work (from home!).
The three of us drove to Wisconsin Dells for the weekend and stayed at the Great Wolf Lodge!
We celebrated “Happy Bella Day!” and have continued celebrating it every day we see her. We love her oh-so much.
Ishu and I got to see all the pumpkins pop up at the Navy Pier! We also went and picked apples at Apple Holler. It was my first time ever – in all my 35 years – going apple picking and I’m so glad I got to experience it with my baby.
More on bedsharing with our little guy!
Ishu turned 17 months old!
We made endless trips to the “Starfish Park.”
October 2021
Ishu and I went to Goebbert’s Farm to play at the pumpkin patch! We ended up spending all our time at the corn bit. My little sensory seeker.
We spent more time at the Children’s Museum and Ishu spent all his time at the sink. Again, my little sensory seeker.
Ishu started falling in love with the ABC’s.
I started going to therapy again and found the perfect therapist for me.
Ishu was Cookie Monster for Halloween!
We flew home for a long weekend and then Sister ended up having Maya on Halloween! So, naturally, I extended my stay.
November 2021
Ishu turned 18 months and had his 18-month appointment. With lots of shots, poor guy.
We took a road trip from SoCal to NorCal. Ishu got to experience McDonalds ice cream for the first time and my papa forgot his suit.
We got to spend so much time in California! Between our first week there in November (getting to see Maya!) and Thanksgiving week, we got to squeeze in so much time with family.
Baby Aku made his debut and, though we have yet to meet him in person, we already love him so much!
December 2021
Phew. We made it to December. I honestly can’t believe we packed so much in one year. But this post is proof that we absolutely did!
This past month…
We got our mini, tabletop Christmas tree, Name-it.
We went to Light Up the Lake and built a gingerbread house!
Ishu and I hung out at Christkindlmarket and tried some potato pancakes.
We went and spent a few days at the coast where Ishu got to see his cousins and also experience the beach for the first time!
We spent Christmas week up in northern California and now we’re going to ring in the new year here in SoCal.
My Hope for 2022
2021 was a great year filled with ups and downs and everything in between.
My hope for this upcoming year is that I continue to try and take up space and do the inner work. I want to continue to show up here, sharing stories and anecdotes about our days. And I want to continue to show up for myself and my family.
I hope you all have a beautiful weekend ringing in the new year with your loved ones by your side.
Question of the Day:
Do you have goals or intentions or hopes for this upcoming year?
You definitely had a crazy, busy, wonderful 2021!!! Happy New Year. 🙂
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Win a January 2022 Book of Your Choice (Intl)
Bliss and Happiness to the Mathur Jr. Family.
May this year 2022 bring to you and the world a “covid free life” a “mask free life” a “normal life”.
May the Covid Era finish in the early part of 2022.
Smooth sailing and bump free life in the Chicago snow to you guys.
Love and Blessings!