Riyu is recently in love with this Peek-A-Flap board book.
He can point to all the animals and tell you what they are or what they say.
Ankur recently taught him that skunks are stinky and, now, when he sees them on the page, he holds his nose and says, “ME-YOU.”
He is attempting to say “P.U.” of course.
But he can only say the sound /p/ in some contexts. And when he does say it, he sounds British. Like the way he says “Papa.” Ha.
So when he asks for “PAANI,” he actually shouts “MAANI, MAANI, MAANI.”
Which is why, skunks are “me-you” according to this little guy.
Gosh, he’s so cute. I wish I could just bottle up all these funny things he does and replay them over and over and over again.